"wait.. WHAT?!?!"

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(Xiaoven reminds me of Saiouma lol)

Kokichis POV<33:

It took me a second to realize what I just said, why did my feelings just spill like that..? can I even cover this up maybe he didn't hear me.. Yeah he shouldn't of heard me right? "you.. L-love me???" annnndddd nevermind. "umm" I look off to the side even though I'm facing away from him I guess it's a habit when I'm nervous, but back on topic how in the world am I going to cover this one up I'm usually really good at covering things up but, this?? I don't know, If I cover this up and he believes me that's gonna hurt.. but if he doesn't believe me I'm done for.. "Kokichi... is what you said true??" And there it is I'm cornered "what would you say if it was true?" What am I thinking he's a detective for goodness sake!! he'll find out that I'm trying to make my way around him, I'm done, I'm done- "well I need to know if what you said was true first and by that question I'm guess it was true because if it wasn't then you could of easily brushed it off as a lie and you would not get affected by it." WHAT HOW?!?! okay yes he is a detective but when did he get NOT dense when it comes to stuff like this, and so quickly too??? "wow.. your less dense than I remember.. heh." "d-dense?!?! okay I get it everyone thinks I'm dense when it comes to this stuff and looking back on it yes I probably was, but I'm sure anyone would have seen through what you were trying to do.." huh? it was that easy to see through that..? well I guess I did just have a breakdown and my mind is all over the place AND I just confessed my undying love to my biggest crush aka my first and I'm now currently cringing at the thought, gosh I'm such an idiot almost more of an idiot than that "luminary of the stars!!!" guy and that's a hard place to get at! he still hasn't answered my question yet.. maybe I'll just remind him. "so you didn't answer my question Shuichi since you've already figured me out... what would you say if what I had said was the truth even though you have just figured that out.." I waited for an answer in the growing silence, and uncomfortable silence.. "w-well I don't really know I never thought of these things probably only once.. but only that a-and I might need to process this information.. BUT I'm not rejecting you I just need to think it out.." well I guess that didn't go too badly not what I expected but I guess I still might have a chance he said he would think it out and I'm grateful for that.. "that's fine Shuichi you have all the time in the world to think it out.." in truth that was another lie I have no idea how I'm going to end this killing game I may even have to sacrifice myself so maybe that wasn't the right thing to say.. "thank you, Kokichi.." and with that he he sat down once again and we both fell asleep...


sorry for the short chapter and me not updating in like forever lol anyway merry late Christmas!!

words: 575

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