Do I love him..?

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Shuichi's POV:
I wake up to the chime of the morning announcement "Rise and shine Ursine!!" (Did I spell that right?! 😨) The monitor shut off filling the room with silence I hear the soft gentle snores of Kokichi in a deep sleep beside me, I get up placing the blankets back on him then leaving to get me and him some clothes.

I was in Kokichi's dorm so I would have to go get some clothes for myself, in the meantime I grabbed a set of Kokichi's clothes and layed them on the bed. I grabbed his dorm room keys that were laying on his desk, then proceeding to leave the room, locking the door behind me.

I make my way down the hall, as I reach my dorm I hear footsteps behind me. "Hey sidekick!!!" A very familiar voice unnecessarily shouts "good morning, Kaito." I say a little tired as I turn my key unlocking my dorm. "Hey, what were you doing at Ouma's dorm??" He sounded concerned but also interested in what I had to say. "Oh, Ouma wanted me to stay over he had some things to talk about. Why?" There was no way I was telling Kaito about the events leading up to last night, so I simplified it leaving out any concerning info. "Oh, really? I didn't think he was the type of guy to talk about anything 'important' unless it was some type of threat." He chimed in a little shock, "anyway, Kaito I kinda locked Kokichi in his dorm while I left to get clothes. I should get going." "Ah, okay! See ya later sidekick!" And with that he left and I walked into my dorm grabbing some clothes for myself and leaving again making sure to lock the door behind me.

When I reached Kokichi's dorm I opened the door covering my eyes just incase he was changing, which he wasn't thankfully. He was just sitting on the bed, fully dressed resting his head on his palm. When he heard me enter the room his head perked up. "Heya Shumai! What took you so long??" He said tilting his head to the side "sorry, Kaito had a chat with me on my way to get some clothes, also sorry I locked you in your room I could never forgive myself if something had happened to you." I looked down a bit feeling my face burn and a small tear balance at the edge of my eye threatening to collapse.

"Awe, Shumai don't be so emo nothing will happen to me! Also you can get changed in the bathroom or here, I won't look I promise!!" I felt my face heat up again, but it wasn't a painful burn more like a warm fuzzy feeling.. "Shuichi? You look a little hot.. I could get you a glass of water if you'd like?" I lift a hand to my face, my cheeks were burning. " Uh, yeah.. a glass of water would be nice, thank you."

With that he stood up and walked over to a small draw pulling out a glass and filling it with water and handed to me. (Ik ik, the don't have glasses and stuff in their dorms, blah blah sorry I just thought it would be convenient for them to have some form of drinking whenever they please instead of walking to the school just to get a glass of damn water🙁) I carefully grabbed the glass from his hand."T-thank you." I smiled and he just grinned at me "No problem!"

He did his signature laugh then realised his scarf was still off, it had been since last night. He frowned a little and looked around for it, I saw it next to me so I reached over and grabbed it for him. "Ah, thank you!" He gave me a rare genuine smile and placed his scarf around his neck, he struggled tying the knot at the back of his neck. I walked up to him and helped tie his scarf.

Kokichi's POV:
I was struggling to tie the small knot to secure my scarf to my neck, I was about to give up until I felt Shuichi's hands grabbing the ends of my scarf and folding them over each other into a knot. This really wasn't helping my already announced crush on the detective, but I guess it gives me more hope that he will return my feelings. I shiver as I feel his hand brush against the back of my neck. "Hm..? Are you cold?" He asked noticing my shiver. "Oh, no I'm fine don't worry!" I felt a little embarrassed but who cares! He finished tying the knot and released his hands from the back of my neck, making me feel a little relieved. Shuichi still hadn't gotten changed. "Shuichi, you should go get changed." He nodded in approval, grabbed his clothes and walked over to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

Shuichi's POV:
Goodness what is this feeling, I'm so confused- is this what Kokichi is feeling? Do I also like him? So many questions are rushing through my head, but I push them all aside and get changed. "I'll look into it.. later.." I exit the bathroom once I am done with Kokichi waiting at the door ready to go "c'mon, let's go!" He proceeds to run out the door key in hand, I follow him out the door. "Kay just gotta lock the door then we can leave!" He turns the key in the door, testing the handle to make sure, he shoves his key in his pocket and we leave to the dining hall.


Words: 975

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