"It Starts"

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Third person POV***

Wizard wakes up from a tiring day. The sun light is right in his eyes and his bed is a little to warm.

Wizard:.................I don't wanna wake up............But I have too.....

Wizard often talks to him self, like a lot, when I mean a lot I mean a lot.

Wizard:...Alright alright....I need to get out.....

Wizard hops out of his bed and immediately regrets it. It was freezing inside and also probably outside too!

Wizard: Oh jeez its cold

Wizard said this in a mick voice and kinda whelped. It was too late now and he cant go to sleep.

Wizard: Oui Custard!

I forgot to mention the children couldn't live in there oun homes because there children! So they lived with the other cookies. Custard III end up with Wizard.

Custard III: Mmh

Wizard: Come on Custard, wake up.

Custard III respond with a snarl while still trying to stay a sleep.

Custard III: Your king don't want to also its Custard the III!

Wizard decided he had to do drastic measures to make Custard III wake up.

Wizard: You leave no choice!

Custard: ..............ACK WHAT THE

Wizard grabbed Custard III by the leg and pulled! That surely woke him up!



Wizard got Custard out of bed and made him get dressed. As Wizard was going to open the door to go outside, Custard III slipped passed him and bonked his head on the door frame.

Wizard: Oh my! Custard what where you thinking?

Custard III kinda responded but with tears and sniffles.

Custard III: I thought the door was open

Wizard:No no no Custard. Your alright, nothing cracked its just a bruse

Custard: O-okay

As Wizard wiped wiped the tears from Custard III eyes and walked outside. Wizard thought it would be cold out side but no it was a pleasant warm.

Strawberry: Oh hi Wizard and Cust- Oh my Custard are you okay?

Custard: Yes your king is fine!

Brave: Okay uh Wizard can you help me with the sugar blocks and logs? We need more.

Wizard: Okay

Wizard and Brave got to work with cuting and mining a lot of logs and sugar for a few hours. As this was happening Wizard began to look at Brave a lot more. When he did his face got slightly warmer and his chest was a knot. He didn't know what was going on. When the job was done Brave walked a way back to his house to rest, but Wizard? No he felt sick but in a good way. He thought he was sick but he wasn't coughing or anything like that so he must be cursed! For some reason though he went to Strawberry for help.

Wizard: Hey Strawberry...

Strawberry: Oh hey Wiz whats up?

Wizard: I need to talk to you about something

Strawberry starts to get panicked and nervous.

Strawberry: Uh yeah?

Wizard: I think I've been cursed

Strawberry let out a sigh of relief but was quickly replaced with a lot of worry. She starts to stutter.

Strawberry: Well uh uh uh whats whats your symptoms??

Wizard: When ever I'm around Brave my face heats up and I fell weak

Strawberry looks at Wizard for a few seconds and laughed

Wizard: Oui why are you laughing!? This is serious!

Strawberry: HAHAHAHAHAHAAA aah Wiz its not a curse

Wizard: Then what is it!?

Strawberry: Looks like you have a crush

Wizard stayed silent for a minute and then...

Wizard: WHAT

Strawberry: I'm not good at this type of things but you definitely have a crush!

Wizard: Uh uh I I uh I uh uh uh wha uh

Strawberry began to walk away giggling leaving Wizard with his oun thoughts.

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