"Latte, please"

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Espresso tried to make Latte stop the guessing game but she didn't listen. Espresso looks unnerved and tuned to Wizard, mouthing I'm sorry. The names started to run dry until one, Brave. Why just why Latte. Did she already know? No, she didn't, she's just annoying.  I'm serious, as the writer Latte didn't know. She is just really annoying. Look I have no mercy for her! Uh, back to the story! Eh

Latte: Last, I can think of is your friend, Brave!

Wizard didn't mean to flinch, that was a mistake, a big mistake. Latte saw the hesitation when he said no she immensely caught on. Latte gasped and grabbed Wizard's arm to make him look at her in the eyes.

Latte: Your dating Brave!?

GOD FUCKING DANM IT LATTE WHY! Ahem, sorry. Story again. 

Wizard: N-no!

Espresso already left the area, not to Wizards liking. Latte bombarded him with never-ending questions.

Latte: When did this happen? No, wait! How did this happen!? Is this a serious relationship or?

Latte was cut off by the door creaking open, who could it be? Wizard only hoped it wasn't-

Wizard: Brave?

Wizard muttered under his scarf, this was not the best time for him to show up! Latte jumped up from her chair and ran to Brave

Latte: Brave! Why didn't you tell me you and Wizard were dating!?

Wizard covered his face (Or his eye? You know what I mean by this) he felt embarrassed. Surprisingly, Brave didn't look as angry as he should, in fact, he looked slightly relieved. He slipped by Latte and managed to sit next to Wizard. Latte noticed and ran back to the table both were sitting at.

Wizard: I'm so sorry

He whispered to Brave but Brave responded with something he didn't expect.

Brave: Don't worry, I slipped up too, hehe


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