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Wizard just wanted to melt in a sugary puddle, I don't blame him. Sure, not that many other cookies mentioned it but he still felt embarrassed even if he shouldn't. He readjusted his scarf as he walked down the street and wanted this day to end already. 

SS: Hey Wizard

The mage turned around to see Snow Sugar

Wiz: Hello Snow Sugar, uh, I'm not willing to talk right, I've had a long day

SS: I know so then I should let you go then, ehehe

Snow Sugar then walked away, Wizard thought this interaction was ominous but he couldn't care less now. After walking for what felt like years, he got to the door of his place, opened the door and promptly fell to the ground. He felt like a rate train had hit him but again, he couldn't care less

Wiz: Uuuughhhhh

Brave: Wiz!

Wizard was still laying on the ground but Brave picked up the tired boy and hugged him like they hadn't seen each other for decades.

Wiz: Ehehe, heeey Ginger

Brave: You look like you walked through a desert, are you okay?

Wiz: Yeah yeah, I'm good just let me sleeeeeeeeep

Brave chuckled at Wizard, my god he was tired. Wizard was burnt out by the time Brave set him back on the bed. Custard didn't say a word, he already felt bad for Wizard seeing he decided to not be annoying today and just watch cartoons. Wizard started to drift asleep, but not before Brave kissed him goodnight of course (this is cheesy) then, he fell asleep. Brave snickered a bit before deciding something, go back to his house or stay here, the answer was simple. He flopped onto the bed with Wizard and blacked out immediately. Tomorrow would be a better day...



Finally, it's finished, good damm.

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