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(I lied, I made this)

Brave and Wizard decided to try and keep their relationship on the down-low, for now, that didn't last long. It was only a week after they started dating and Wizard decided to check out Latte's new cafe, it might be good, he needs to get out more anyway. This would end in a chain reaction. Latte's cafe had a warm feel to it, very different from what the weather was like outside. It was like entering a portal. Wizard could feel the cold air creep behind him as he opened the door, he was hit with a warm gust of air and the smell of chocolate. It was nice. 

Wizard: Hello? Latte?

He closed the door behind him and stared at the inside of the building. He heard the faint sound of foot stepped and out the backdoor was a familiar cookie with an apron on.

Latte: Oh Wizard! It's so nice to see you here!

Latte ran to Wizard and hugged him.

Wizard: Latte! Personal space?

Latte giggled and let go of Wizard.

Latte: So what brings you here?

Wizard said he wanted to see what it was like in here, Latte was overjoyed by the answer. She was about to say something else until she looked like she just remembered something and ran back to the back area. Wizard didn't question it, maybe she forgot something on the stove, she does that a lot anyway. He just sat at one of the empty tables till Latte ran out and dragged a tall figure. Wizard didn't recognize the cookie at first but looking at details on the cookie, it was given away quickly. Starting from the very dark brown hair with swirls, annoyed face, round glasses and hair covering one eye it was Espresso.  Wizard wasn't too shocked Espresso was here, Latte and Espresso were inseparable. In retrospect, it was more like a host and a parasite kind of relationship. Latte sat down on a chair next to Wizard and Espresso sat in the chair in front of Wizard. Wizard noticed a small ponytail in Espresso's hair, Wizard chuckled from it, Espresso took notice very quickly of that.  Late noticed the tension in the area so she started a conversation to make it more comfortable, she could do that because no other cookies were there yet. The conversation was going well until Latte popped a question to Wizard.

Latte: So Wizard? Are you seeing anyone?

Wizard froze, shit. He promised Brave he would say anything and it was way too early to tell anyone, especially Latte out of all cookies.

Wizard: Well, no?

Fuck, it wasn't convincing at all. He was getting uncomfortable right now but Latte persevered, she's always like that.

Latte: Come on Wizard. You can't stay single forever

Esp: Latte, please. The boy doesn't have to answer

At least Espresso has logic.

Wizard: N-no, Latte I'm not seeing anyone r-right now

He's stuttering, FUCK!

Latte: Well your not convincing anyone. I know! Let's play a guessing game

Latte why! Why is she like this!? 

Esp: Latte, why must be like this?

Latte: Because it's fun Essie

Espresso glared at Latte from the nickname with Wizard just wanting to melt into a puddle. Latte turned to Wizard and began to list cookies Wizard knew. He kept saying no to all of them but the list was getting closer and closer to Brave than he would have liked. This won't end well.

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