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Wizard: Wh wh WHAT!

Wizard almost fell off his chair. Brave was not expecting that reaction.

Wizard: Who was it!?!

Brave: Gumball

Brave didn't know Gumball that well but Wizard did, for some reason.

Wizard: Oh SHIT! Everyone gonna knows now!

Brave: What?

Wizard looked dumbfounded by Brave

Wizard: Considering Latte and Gumball now know, the 2 cookies who CAN'T keep a secret! EVER!

Wizard felt humiliated and just walked out of the cafe

Brave: Please don't tell anyone!

Latte: I...Will try?

Brave gave her a "are you sure about that" face and followed Wizard out of the cafe. Wizard was sitting on a bench right outside the cafe, he had his hands on his face. Brave sat next to him, making a small attempt to comfort him.

Brave: Hey it's not as bad as you think

Wizard looked at Brave with an annoyed look on his face. 

Brave: They're gonna know eventually I guess.

That didn't make Wizard feel better.

SS: SO you 2 are dated

Brave: How fast does Gumball spread gossip!?!

SS: Pretty fast

Oh boy

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