Chapter 3; Bonding

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(Before I start this chapter i'd like to state that yes, I know that it is canon Dream knows about Karl's time traveling, and built the prison for him. But I'm changing it up for the story. Thank you for understanding <3)


Dream and Karl started another walk through the forest afterwards. It was silent, but not uncomfortable somehow. Dream often secretly glanced at Karl, his hand inching towards Karl's longingly. Karl, completely unaware, studied the beauty of their surroundings. He watched as the breeze lightly shook the leaves of nearby trees, and the way the setting sun's rays peaked through and lit the boys in orange. The occasional bird would fly over and call for their friends, making Karl look up and smile brightly. 

Dreams eyes broke from Karl and fell on a particular tree in the distance as they walked. He grinned and eagerly tapped Karl on his shoulder, bringing Karl's attention towards the same tree. Karl beamed right back at Dream. 

"Let's climb it." Dream said grin never leaving.

"Race you!" Karl challenged Dream, already running for the tree.

He cheered as he reached the tree and quickly he grabbed onto a sturdy branch and hoisted himself up. He continued to climb until he found a nice branch to rest on, looking back down at Dream who was just reaching the tree. "You coming?" Karl joked with a cheerful smile.

Dream laughed as he grabbed the branch Karl had used earlier to pull himself up. "I'm coming chill." Dreamed said lightly, still chuckling.

They continued to climb until they reached the top of the tree, resting in the shade of the green leafs. They both sat in silence, looking down at the ground so far below. Enjoying seeing a view that they both hadn't experienced in a while.

Dream spoke up, letting the thoughts in his mind escape through his mouth without thinking, "why was Sapnap and Quackity so mad at you?" 

Karl's calm demeanor shifted, his expression hardening. "We're just not together anymore. That's it." He said duly, eyes looking towards the ground to avoid meeting Dream's face.

Dream watched the boy, heart hurting, "Why? You guys were happy last time I'd seen you." He asked, utterly confused.

"Well you were locked up in that cell! You don't know what is going on out here!" Karl snapped back harshly, before quickly covering his mouth in shock at his tone.

Dream gripped the branch he was sitting on hard, "And how is that my fault?" He shot back defensively.

"It's not- i'm sorry, I was mad, I didn't mean to say that." Karl quickly apologized, resting his hand on top of Dream's.

Dream's breath hitched at the touch, "It's fine." He said back, trying to calm his breathing.

Silence broke out between the two as they avoided eye contact with one another. 

"They broke up with me because I forgot to tell Quackity something. I guess they just got mad."  Karl finally said to break the silence, looking down at his fiddling hands. 

Dream watched the boy, like he so often did, wanting to go into his mind and know everything about him, wanting to know why he hurt so much. "Why would they break up with you just for that?" He spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully.

"Because it's my fault." Karl spoke slowly, tears of realization slipping out of his eyes. "I didn't tell Quackity about the country we built because I forgot."

"How?" Dream spoke softly, turning his hand around to hold Karl's comfortingly.

Karl regretted speaking those words instantly, "You wouldn't understand." He said, refusing to meet Dream's gaze.

"But I want to understand." Dream looked at him pleadingly.

Karl finally looked at dream and broke, eyes glossed over with tears, "It's too much to explain."

"We have all the time in the world right now." Dream comforted, turning towards Karl.


659 words - sorry for short chapter 😭

Edited chapter 😛

Eat/drink/sleep/keep up your good hygiene! You're so fucking awesome for getting out of bed today.  <3

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