Chapter 4

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The Hogwarts Express shuffled on the platform as the sun set in a dark, foreboding gloom. The witches and wizards emerged from the cabins in their school robes, each with a tie which was one of the four colors. Adelaide went shopping previously so all her new-purchased, unfamiliar supplies were stuffed in her trunk, except for her new kitten, Night.

Adelaide felt she ought to be at least a bit nervous, since this was her first time in Hogwarts and she was yet to be sorted into a house with other first years, but, for some reason, Adelaide felt as if she was a fish entering water after surviving all this time on land- she didn't know how she was able to do that. What she knew definitely, however, is that a fish may be able to live on land if it's born and raised in this way, but certainly can't learn to come out of the water after entering it. This is how she felt about her recent discovery: if she were to suddenly wake up and find witches, wizards, Dumbledore, to be a dream, she couldn't and wouldn't believe it. She wouldn't be able to survive the same. This part of her life was so small, almost nonexistent at this moment in time, yet she felt it was the essential part of her being, and she was shocked thinking she could have gone for fourteen years without it. But she knew that soon she would be known by everyone. She would not go unnoticed like in the orphanage, she would not be frowned upon. She would make people love her- and maybe fear her a little, because she knew she was special from the moment she was born.

Filing out of the rattling train, students of the school chattered loudly to each other, excitement consuming them. Adel had a very observant, analytical nature, which could come off as too calculating to most, but thanks to it she knew quite a lot about this place and what was happening, so she had no need to ever ask questions. It seemed as if everyone was talking about some event, very exciting perhaps to them, thought Adel. Apparently, this event was called the "Triwizard Tournament". As soon as Adel found this out she lost any interest in it whatsoever and focused on hearing instructions for what they had to do. She spotted Dumbledore's shadow approaching their group slowly from behind the trees. What she gathered was that it was quite unusual for him to be there at this time. Dumbledore motioned swiftly to Adele, and all eyes turned from the headmaster to her. Smirking lightly, she strode off confidently in Dumbledore's direction. All eyes on her. She couldn't see it as much as sense it, as it was very dark outside by this hour. She got a slight rushing of adrenaline in her body.

"miss - Um- we'll just call you Miss Adele, although others are gonna be curious why you don't have a last name"

"Yes.. Sir?" Adele whispered in a seductive manner. She was playing. She knew she got in and he couldn't kick her out anymore.

Dumbledore got stunned by this new manner of Adel's he hadn't seen before. It reminded him even more of... Shaking his head, trying to spill the contents of his thoughts out on the grass so he wouldn't have to think them ever again, he decided to blame this behavior of Adel's on trying to fit in with the students.

"Uhm.. Uhu.. I just wanted to say that you must go with the first years now. You will be sorted into a house, which I'm sure you already know of, having Hermione Granger in the same cabin as yourself on the way here."

Instantly, as Dumbledore continued mumbling about what will happen, and what are the rules, she was stuck on a saying of his. "Having Hermione Granger in the same cabin as yourself"... How did he know?

The others were chattering more quietly now, most probably about her she thought, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of her lip. She walked away to the first years, seeing there was nothing for her left to do around here.

A/N: i'm very sorry for leaving for so long. I know this chapter's short but I'm hoping to write more tomorrow. please bear with me if you will this book is going to be quite long and slow :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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