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╔════•| ✿ |•════╗慶祝╚════•| ✿ |•════╝

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As you woke up, you were surprised to see Rindou sitting next to you. It is too early for him to come here. You groan and sit.

"Hey, good morning," your hoarse voice made him look at you. As he did, he is puckering and greeting his jaws hard. You cleared up your blurry eyes and stared at him curiously as you get your vision. He looks really mad. Did something happen?

"You came early? Wh--" your eyes widen in shock when his thumb pressed hard on your lips as if he is wiping a speck of dirt on your lips. This made your lips hurt as they hit your teeth. You quickly shove his hands away.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" you almost teared up because of the pain. You covered your throbbing lips. You can even taste the blood inside. He looks mad and he ruined your morning as if you did something. Rindou stand up and you heard how he cracked his knuckles and step with heavy steps and went over to the window.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! It hurts!" You proclaim furiously. He wasn't like that before.

"I'm sorry about that," he coldly said, staring outside. You greeted your teeth.

"Sorry? Oh please, you mother fucker! Don't come near me!" You angrily hissed at him. You pressed the red button on the nightstand to inform your nurse that you need help and that you're awake.

What is wrong with him?!

He is making me so pissed!

You tied your messy hair and wait for the nurse to arrive. After few minutes, the nurse arrived and helped you to sit in your wheelchair. Rindou didn't even try helping and seemed that the nurse feel his hostile aura today. You look back at him but he wasn't looking. You mumbled a curse and rolled your eyes.

Thank goodness the nurse didn't ask. She just helped you to wash on the tub, she was shampooing your hair gently while you're scrubbing your arms. After an hour of preparing yourself (because you are going home already), the nurse leaves you with your breakfast on the table. You eat silently and Rindou is now sitting on the windowsill watching you eat your breakfast. You throw daggers at him. Still pissed at what he did. Well, no one will even like what he did. No one will be pleased about it. You'd understand if you did something wrong but you were innocent and as far as you know you were just sleeping there tightly.

Could it be I mumble something while I was asleep??

"You can leave, no one needs you here," you sassily said at him and continued eating again. Rindou irked as his lips twitched. You didn't mind though. He is being a jerk. You heard his footsteps getting close to you.

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