Chapter Five

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All the way home i sat in silence, my mind wasnt functioning properly and all that came through my head was 'George, GEORGE, GEORGE, GEORGE!!' i couldn't think about anything else. When we had eventually arrived back home my mum told me to go and get changed as my family were coming over. I ran upstairs, opened my laptop, went on YouTube and typed in 'George Shelley's audition' a lot of videos came up. I'm guessing he already had a lot of girls attracted to him. This made me feel slightly jealous... i don't know why it should of done. He didn't belong to me, i mean i don't even know him. He would never be interested in someone like me, What he did back there was probably him being nice. He could do that to everyone...why would i be any more special? no that's right i wouldn't. i got topped up my make up slightly, found my favourite party dress and slipped that on. Then i went downstairs to wait for the guests to arrive, for my family birthday party. I walked into the living room and sat onto the window sill, which is quite big so you had a lot of space. I stared out of the window, my town was so quiet right now, which was very very unusual. A boy suddenly walked past the gate, a boy wearing a denim shirt and a pair of beige chinos with fair hair swept across his, it can't of been, why would George live in Bristol?! My view was soon blocked by family members piling in through the gate. They came in through the gate and sat down in the living room across from me. i sat on the seat by the window tweeting my usual random tweets. My aunty was trying to have a civilized conversation with me, when I'm not the best at having a social life. After a while of sitting there, my mum shouted "IZZYYYYYYY"

"Coming mum" i called back to her. I quickly ended the 'conversation' i was having with my aunty, and ran to the kitchen, "izzy, sorry love I know it's your birthday, but I've run out of candles. Would you mind going to the shop...?" I sighed but nodded and said bye to everyone else then walked out of the house. I made my way past the houses towards the corner shop at the end of my street. Before i get to the shop, i have to walk past 'coffee beans' the little coffee shop on the next road along from my road. i had never been inside but it looked like a really nice place to relax. As I got closer i noticed that the coffee shop was absolutely filled to the brim with customers. I stood staring inside for a couple of seconds before something caught my eye, something i had seen at least three times today. The blue shirt, the chinos, the hair swept across his forehead...George Shelley was working in the coffee shop. I stared in for a couple of minutes while he had his back turned then before i know it, he is fully turned around gazing into my eyes. I felt my cheeks heating up, realising how stalkerish i looked and dragged my eyes so it looked like i was inspecting the menu outside on the window. I quickly glanced away and made my way to the shop, picked up the milk and crisps then carried them both back home, i popped my head round the living room door telling the rest of my family that i would be there just after getting something. I ran upstairs and opened up facebook. I clicked on the search bar and typed in 'George Shelley' About 100 results came up, wow George has a lot of fans. i clicked on the top one and moved my cursor to click on the photos button, but my mouse slipped on the button above it...'add as friend' literally about 10 seconds later i got a notification saying he had accepted it. i looked down his profile, he does live in Bristol! wow, I'm 'friends' with George Shelley..

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