Chapter Eight

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Great, Sure, I'll see you then!" she replied. "YESSS" i shouted and punched the air. I was gonna make tomorrow night the best night of her life. I woke up the next morning, today was the day of the date. I ran downstairs and grabbed my breakfast, i had a few hours to kill before work so i just chilled watching Tv. After around two hours i said bye to my mum and made my way to the coffee shop. I was just outside the door when i felt something hard hit my shoulder, i slowly turned around to be faced by three boys, the three boys that had bullied me throughout my childhood. The day that i had dreaded for ages had arrived ,they had returned. They looked much scarier than 14 years ago, i have to admit, even though i was the same age as them, i felt like a little kid being towered over again. One of them walked towards me, and shoved me slightly, pushing me into the walls of the coffee shop. Before i knew it i heard laughing and then everything disappeared. They had done it again....


I had decided to wear one of my new dresses for the date with George tonight, after i had got changed, done my makeup and had a shower, i slowly made my way out of the house towards the coffee shop. I heard my mum calling after me, telling me to have a good time. I opened the door again, thanked her, the shut it again and ran out of the gate. It would near enough be complete darkness if it wasn't for bright street lights shining above my head. As i was turning the corner before i arrived at the coffee shop, i heard shouting and a small but audible scream. I started to get slightly worried then, what if it was George i heard screaming, I quickened my pace and walked faster towards the coffee shop. A group of boys with their hoods up ran straight past me, nearly knocking me into the road next to me. As i got closer to the coffee shop, i could see a figure lying in a funny position outside the shop. I ran as fast as i could to see that it was George lying on the pavement, unconscious. His perfect face was badly bruised and he had cuts over his pale hand. I sat beside him and reached in his pocket for his mobile. As quickly as i could, i rang his mum .telling her what had happened, as soon as she heard my voice she somehow knew who i was, George must of mentioned me to her. She told me to ring an ambulance and go with him to hospital and she would be there as soon as she could get out of work. I put the phone down and quickly rang 999, they were here quite quickly and transported George into the ambulance. I followed them, sat on the chair inside and soon enough we were on the way to hospital..

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