9. Headache

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You couldn't sleep at all that night. Jungkook laughed at you in your dreams carrying Hajin on his shoulder. You tried to ignore them on your way to work but when you got to work you were informed that Hajin was your new boss and you'd be working alongside Jungkook.

All in all it might sound funny but it muddled your head so much that you woke up with a splitting headache.

It was even worse than the hangover you got the day after the one and only time you got drunk.

You tumbled off the bed and bullied your lazy body into getting dressed. There was an almost-stranger man in the house after all...

You walked haphazardly into the kitchen and bumped straight into Jungkook's back.

He caught you by the shoulders before you fell backwards.

You shrugged him off, not wanting to deal with another woman's man. Jungkook was unruffled by your unenthusiasm when speaking to him, having gotten used to your outward personality.

"I made something to eat today!" He cheerfully said.

Yet you weren't paying attention to his words, too consumed by the headache you had from lack of sleep.

Jungkook noticed your haggard appearance. Not that you looked like a mess every day, but you looked like you were in pain.

"Is something wrong?" He asked from behind you as you searched the cupboards for a pain killer. You scoured the entire pantry but found no meds and you knew you hadn't brought any either.

"DAMN!" You yelled in desperation and collapsed against the wall.

"Why what's up tell me." Jungkook approached you with care, keeping his arms steadily in front of him in case you were up for a fight.

He moved closer when you showed no further signs of violence and swiftly placed his hand on your forehead and kept it there for a while... The coolness of his hand felt soothing your skin, it calmed you.

"Just a headache." You muttered after a while and quickly grabbed a bowl of water and filled it with water.

"Er... I don't think we have anything useful for a headache."

"Yeah I know that." You placed the bowl in the microwave and timed it for three minutes. "I'm trying to warm it up." You responded to his confused look.

When the microwave powered up Jungkook slowly backed away like there was a monster inside it ready to pounce on him and it was your turn to stare at him with your eyes slits from the throbbing of your head.

"I'm scared of microwaves."

You couldn't help but smile painfully at him at his phobia confession.

Jungkook felt pained at your smile. "Just wait I'll come back with some aspirin." Jungkook backed out the door and ran to his car.

You watched as he drove away, keeping your eyes like slits from the stinging.

You took drank some water and sat on the couch holding your head in your hands. Why were you so messed up... You wanted to deny that your skin didn't heat up and your heart didn't warm up when he touched your forehead.

It was a tiny gesture anyone would do for pretty much anyone.

For anyone except you probably.

That was what happened when you lived a romantically inactive life, you get worked up even at the smallest of things, you tried to reason. Or maybe it was just the feeling of having a so-called husband by the meaning of the word.

Jungkook was back, you realised when you heard tires on the gravel in the front yard.

"Got some." He filled a cup with water and dropped the aspirin into it, handing it to you.

You watched the round tablet disintegrate in the water, a thousand philosophical thoughts swirling in your mind.

"If you get better do you want to go and watch a movie? Like at the theatre?" Jungkook asked slowly. He wanted to end the so-called honeymoon on a pleasant note rather than a sickly one.


"Yeah to end things with a bang you know. Tomorrow we'll be leaving."

"Yeah sure." Honestly you didn't care a shit about the movie but you wanted to show your gratitude to Jungkook for not being the oily sickly dickhead you first imagined him to be.

"There's that new movie playing today called "SOME THINGS ARE BETTER LEFT UNSAID." It seems pretty popular."

"Oh is it?" You really couldn't have cared less... Movies weren't your thing.

"Yeah it's a gay movie."

"Oh nice, very sexy," you yawned.
Whatever. Any movie was fine with you. It wasn't like you'd be focusing on the movie anyway, you had other ideas.

"Okay it's settled then." He winked and left the room. You watched him walk away, trying not to let your heart palpitate for no damn reason.

You threw yourself against the couch's backrest and groaned. Shit, why were you in love with the idea of having a husband? You were better off alone with your two best buds.

Now what were you going to do at the movie? You couldn't sit like a good girl and watch people kiss and do all the mushy-mushy gooey things you wouldn't ever dream of.

What kind of other ideas could you generate...

Maybe you could spit on people's feet? Or do some saliva nail polish manicure? Or scream for no reason? Or...

A sly smile plastered itself on your face when the most brilliant idea ever conceived by mankind popped itself in your ever-so-clever brain.

Your headache was slowly dying in your head presenting your ticket to tonight's fun.

You were going to have fun today. You'd make sure you would, it's the least present you could give yourself for enduring the last two weeks.


A/N: As a matter of fact I did that (saliva nail polish),when I was seven to my day care helper Jackie. Jackie, if you're out there, I'M TERRIBLY SORRY!😂
Vote for her guys! :)

 Jackie, if you're out there, I'M TERRIBLY SORRY!😂Vote for her guys! :)

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