Epilogue: Beyond Youth

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"When your legs don't work like they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?"

You took a sip of tea. It was too hot for your weary teeth and you placed the cup back on the picnic mat. The kids were playing in the flowery meadow downhill, their merry voices carried to you by the wind warmed your heart despite the chilly wind playing with your brown-streaked snowy hair.

Jungkook noticed the little shiver that passed through you."It's cold isn't it?" He asked from above you, seated on an outdoor seat behind you while you sat on the mat since his rheumatism prevented him from sitting on the floor nowadays.

"Here," he took off his jacket and laid it over your shoulders.

"Why don't we share?" You couldn't deny the warmth it gave you but you couldn't leave Jungkook in the cold either. "Come on I'll help you down," you supported him with your hand and made him sit next to you. He groaned when he had to bend his knees but otherwise sat quietly next to you and placed his jacket over both of you, huddling closer for warmth.

"It only dawned on me now how they've grown so much." You whispered to him, gesturing into the near distance where your eldest daughter was helping her two sons, your grandchildren, to make a pattern of flowers on the grass as her husband rocked their infant third child.

"Remember when we used to be like that?" Jungkook asked, gesturing his head at two particular lovers among the numerous people who were walking in the far corner of the park hand in hand. It was your younger son and his fiancé.

"I remember," you murmured turning to him, who was gazing into your face with nostalgic eyes. "I know you're going to think I'm lying but I remember everything, honestly."

"I know you do,, but then again do you remember when my birthday is?" He slowly brought the hand he wasn't using to prop himself up and touched yours. His grip was firm, just like so many years ago at the end of your second wedding ceremony. You looked into his eyes through which, though old and weary now, the same glow from that day still shined.

"I-It's 1st August?"

"No you dumbass it's 1st September. At least you only got the month wrong though."

Don't leave me will you?" You tugged on his arm dramatically, leaving him chuckling.

"You promised you would stick to me like glue, so I thought I would too" Jungkook drew closer so you could feel his body heat.

"It's been so long..." You murmured under your breath.

You were sure nobody would hear you other than Jungkook; your kids and grandkids were too far away to hear, and they were in their own world. Plus the whistling wind would render eavesdropping impossible and thank god for that.

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