28. I-don't-have-a-name-for-this-chapter-yet-lol

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Jungkook called you once, twice, many times. You were nowhere to be seen, not anywhere in the house or anywhere around. He felt worried, unsure if you'd just gone on a quick trip to the stores or if someone who wasn't arrested from that gang had kidnapped you.

He called Hoseok to ask him if he knew where you were but he didn't know either. Jungkook didn't even have that Taehyung guy's number.

"Why the fuck," he slammed his phone onto the table when it said your phone was off five times in a row.

What should he do? He messed his hair and sat back in your bed. He'd have to wait. He'd wait until it's evening. If you didn't come back then, he'd make a move.

Jungkook slumped covered his face in his hands and stared at his legs, and that's when he noticed it, there were little drops of something on the carpet. Even on the bed, he moved a little to look at them clearly. They looked like tear drops, almost faded.

There was a whole trail leading around the house. He followed them but it lead him nowhere. Had you been crying? He couldn't think of a reason. He hadn't done anything wrong last night had he?

His phone rang. 

"Hello Hoseok?"

"Hi bro, I called Y/n's parents and they said she came to their house this afternoon."

"What? Is she there?" His heart began palpitating. Why would you suddenly run off to your parents' house?

"No apparently she's stormed away, I asked other people —Taehyung and some friends from uni but they haven't seen her."

"Okay I'll check my house." Jungkook hurriedly drove to his house. Something told him you wouldn't be there but he still wanted to check. You weren't there just like he expected. He drove to your university, but the gates were closed and there was no sign of life there.

Just the moon shining in the sky seemingly mocking him for being such an incompetent man and husband.

He slumped into his driver's seat, squeezing the steering wheel tightly. A single tear escaped his already brimming eyes and landed on his leather jeans, sparkling in the moonlight. "I'm so scared right now, where are you Y/n?"


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