14. A Late Night Car Ride

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"I don't want to go home."

"Huh?" Now you were being confusing... what did you mean you don't want to go home? "We haven't even eaten yet... I thought we were going to make something?"

"Let me drive. Please."

He was really confused. "What're you gonna do?"

"Do you want to go for a ride? You know just drive down the streets... Now." The anger and annoyance in your face had vanished to be replaced by a look of fresh energy. An excited smile lit your face as you waited for Jungkook's answer.

"A late night ride?" He'd only heard of them, never actually been on one or even seen one.

"Yeah, cmon give me the driving seat."

"But I want to drive!" Jungkook pouted. He wanted to drive like a maniac when he could.

"Me first cause I suggested it, I'll let you drive when we come back."

He got off his seat and exchanged his seat with yours, you grabbed the steering wheel and felt a familiar surge of cold energy running through your veins, it was already thirty minutes past twelve. "Let's go!"

"Where are we going?"

"Along the main road... and maybe along a few side streets." You started the engine and stepped on the accelerator, shooting forwards from the car park.

"Hey take it slow." Jungkook was holding onto the car for dear life as you zoomed along the street swerving sharply at turns.

You opened all windows and screamed into the night.

"What's the thrill without the speed?" You turned to him when you hit the main street, the bright neon lights flashed in spontaneous bursts behind you as the wind blew your hair into your face. "You're the one being the killjoy now, it's been ages since I've done this."

Jungkook's eyes sparkled in response to yours and a previously non-existent energy took hold of them, bringing laughter to his lips. You were so different from him.

"Yeehaw!!!" He shouted out his window and stuck his hand out, letting the cold air hit his palm. It felt so refreshing, his hand and nose felt numb from the cold but he couldn't stop smiling. 

You slammed on the breaks at random and Jungkook hooted with laughter for no reason. 

It changed when you reached more secluded, side streets, having gone a circle around the main parts of the city and on your way back home. You decreased your speed to a more normal amount. 

You admired the moon which was a sliver in the sky. Nights like these were often where you would randomly stare at the moon thinking about nothing in particular.

"You know I've never been on a road so late at night," Jungkook spoke out of the blue. "It's nice."

"I don't know I find it really calming... It's usually Hoseok who comes with me... Taehyung came once or twice too."

"Those are your friends? Hoseok's the one who sent the cat right?"

"Yeah, the one who's always smiling."

"I guess at least some people are blessed with happy lives," Jungkook muttered abstractedly, his eyes intent on the moon.

"Oh no one's always happy." He was stupid if he assumed that. "You've just got to think of the better things and understand why bad things happen. If you thought that way you'd see why the world is better than it looks... Jungkook." You looked him straight in the eyes. 

"People don't like me much, they think I'm rude and not very sophisticated —kind of— but I don't care do I? It's their problem, not mine."

"I find it cool." He said, staring at you, either absorbing your words or letting them filter through his ears.

"Thanks, that's good to hear... And Hoseok's father died a month ago, and he's still smiling, he's moved on cause he knew that people die in the end."

"Wow that's so deep."

"Well then you should get out of the shallows and swim to the deep end too, it's more peaceful in there."

You arrived at your house.

You both carried the stuff in and by the time you were in your kitchen with the supplies ready to make a spaghetti when a thought struck your head.

Jungkook are you sure you want to eat spaghetti now? It was past 1 am. 

He instantly caught up with your mood. "Maybe something else? He opened your riffled through your fridge and pantry cupboards. "What about we bake chocolate chip cookies?"

"Boy I'm hungry," you said eyeing the cooking chocolate in his hands.

Jungkook hadn't had so much fun in his life, especially so early in the day. He loved the process of baking the cookies more than eating them. His shirt and hair got coated with flour making him look like his long-since-dead grandfather and you coated cooking chocolate all over his cheeks, but he enjoyed the chaos of it all. He didn't feel sleepy at all. 

Contrary to how you thought it would turn out the cookies came out of the oven quite fine... a few were slightly burnt. 

"God, I'm so full..." You mumbled after stuffing yourself with as many cookies as your stomach could hold.

"So am I," he said in baby talk, mouth still full. "I think I'd better go now, I've got to go to work tomorrow."

"Shit I have to too damn." You checked the time and it was almost 3 am. "You should get going."

He finished eating and helped you clean up.

"Well then, drive safe." You waved. "Hope your alarm wakes you an hour early."

"Shut up idiot," he waved before closing the car door and driving away.

So it was done, the thought came crashing into your mind as you threw yourself in your bed half an hour later. Your honeymoon was done, though it was more like a half-lonely half-friendly fun holiday in your opinion, and tomorrow onwards your would be back to your original life. 


A/N: Ah just vote if you think this story deserves it

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A/N: Ah just vote if you think this story deserves it.
Damn it I published chapter 17... Sorry!

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