Chapter 6: Defending The Humans

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Lucy and her new best friends, Suki (dark skin, black frizzy hair, cheerful, good at biology) and Kate (blonde hair, sarcastic, good at judo) were walking home as a big black truck with the letters ORGANIZATION written on the side pulled up on the curb. Three people in black boiler suits jumped out, and went straight for Lucy. Naturally, when they tried to take her, she made a furious fuss. She found the dog-whistle in her pocket, put it to her lips and blew as hard as she could. Suki and Kate tried to help, Kate throwing in one or two Judo moves, but they found themselves overpowered as five more oddly clothed people jumped out the back of the vehicle. Help me! Lucy thought, struggling furiously against the cuffs and gag. Help me!

"Peeeeeep!" Star's ears perked up, and she listened intently, her blue eyes glowing in the dark. Little Human was in danger! Star twitched her ears once or twice, and then started sniffing eagerly at the garage door. Satisfied, she backed up, and opened her mouth, as the purple-blue pulse of plasma throbbed at the back of her throat, outlining her teeth. "Naaaaeeeee...." The warning sound of a Fury's charge-up reverberated around the makeshift cave.



Fred, Lucy's father, was just arriving home from his first shift as a rescue helicopter pilot when the front of the garage exploded, the half-melted metal door bent out of shape, molten and glowing. It crashed onto the drive with a clang, bouncing slightly on the concrete. Amidst the roiling smoke, he saw the black shape of the dragon sprint out, jumping onto the car's bonnet, before springing into the air, bat's wings opening with a thwoomph. He'd never seen Lucy's pet fly in broad daylight, or escape the garage like that. Fred reversed the car, did an illegal U-turn, and followed the black, flapping shape as it flew over the small town.

There were shouts and screams of terror further down the street. Lucy looked up, as did her captors. There was something high in the air, like the outline of a bird but much, much larger. A familiar finned tail stretched out behind it, and she heard a roar. Star's bat's wings folded in, and she dived, a high pitched banshee's scream following her as she came in, a glow building up in her throat. Star fired. A burning ball of white-and-blue plasma hit the side of the truck, resulting in a booming cloud of smoke, knocking it clean across the street, rolling it over onto its side, smashing the window of a clothes shop. Star swooped up from her dive, swung back around and landed directly in front of her Human, teeth bared, ears back, claws out. A growl escaped through her nostrils. 'You think you know anger? Touch her and then you will know the true meaning of the word Fury...'

Click-clack-click! Several guns were pointed at the Dragon. Two black-clad people came running, but were knocked clean off their feet by Star's whiplike tail. She knocked aside attackers with her wings, tail swiping, snapping her teeth...But, Lucy realised, Star was outnumbered, and she could see that the person in charge, who had copper-coloured hair flowing out from behind their mask, was directing people to be in a good position to bring the brave creature down.

Star arched her neck, and spread her wings out to their full extent. Her pulse was racing, and now her true colours shone through. Vibrant oranges, beautiful blues, every colour of a dawning horizon...All on the underside of her wings. It was intimidating to say the least.

The Dragon roared at the top of her lungs.


It was loud - it could be heard for streets around. There was a moment of silence, before Star dodged a tranquilizer dart that pinged off the brickwork.

Lucy heard a screech. And then another.

It's chin crackling with electricity, wings spread wide, a dragon came flapping over the houses. It was a cyan colour, with light yellow spines and purple highlights on its wings. "Aetherius!" Suki called. "Down here, girl!" The Shockjaw came in for a landing, smacking one of the goons with its tail. Hard.

'Sea-Wing! So glad you've come.'

'Good to see you too, Thunder-Wing! Let's give this lot what-for, eh?'


The two dragons took up defensive stances, prowling around the Humans, as Kevin, Jack and Liam came around the corner to help. Two black SUVs pulled up, and more of these strange soldiers poured out. Thunk-thak-thwack! Nadder spines stitched a line in the opposite wall. SpineRuff was standing on a roof, her claws digging through the tiles.

Flaming gel spat across the street, accompanied by a roar. "Blaze!" Kevin cried out in excitement.

Zink! Zink! Zink! Something small and green weaved and dodged through the soldiers, rendering several of them imobile, before screeching to a halt next to Jack, it's sharp claws making sparks on the concrete. It threw back it's streamlined head and cat-a-called. "Ark! ARK-ARK! ARKKK!!!'

There was a shriek as Terror burst out of Liam's schoolbag and single-handedly flew at the assembled ranks of soldiers, hitting the first in the face, biting his nose, and breathing sheets of propane flame at anyone else who came close to HIS human. The Terthian Dragon-Training Society came together and stood side by side, as the Dragons closed in, growling and snapping their teeth.

Star stared the leader of the kidnap squad dead in the eyes, and hissed, stalking forward like a tiger about to spring. "Star..." said Lucy warningly, as the remaining soldiers raised their rifles.

'Wee-ooo, weee-ooo!' Star stopped with her 'beast of doom' act, and flicked up her ears, as four police cars screeched around the corner.

It has to be said, the coppers' reaction was quite remarkable. They climbed out of the cars slowly and carefully, and only jumped about a foot in the air when Blaze landed on their vehicles and helpfully dropped three paralysed soldiers at their feet.

Lucy swallowed, as her father's car pulled up. "We have a lot of explaining to do." Kate patted her on the shoulder. "I'll tell my Dad, don't worry." She turned and called out:

"Hi Dad!" The chief detective inspector turned, surprised to see his daughter at a crime scene. He nodded to one of his colleagues and walked over. "Katie..." he said, watching SpineRuff sniff Kate's shoulder. "What's with all these people? And why are there... giant lizards everywhere?"

"They're not giant lizards, Dad, they're called Dragons! Look, Spiny is really friendly." Spiny was a grumpy, bad-tempered creature, but for Kate's sake he tried to act. Immediately, all the Dragons went from snarling predatory reptiles to cute, big-eyed sweet animals that wouldn't hurt a fly and would very much like a head scritch, yes pleases. Except for Zip, who was little behind on developments and was currently running around crazily in a tight circle, Jack hauling on his leash, trying and failing to hold him back.


Lucy stroked Star's fur, wondering how it would all turn out. The police were still looking into who had tried to kidnap her, and probably would be for some time to come. There was also the matter of what to do with the Dragons, and of course, the stolen book. But that could wait, Lucy decided, as she climbed onto the brave Thunder-Fury's back. Today, they would be flying.

PS: Thanks for reading my first story on Wattpad!

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