Prison (C8)

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Agent 242's pov:

I grabbed some money from my pocket and put it down on the table.

I nodded to Amelia and she got off her chair.

She walked beside me as we were heading to the diner door.

A man with black shoulder length hair and a stubble walked over to the door before me and locked the door.

"You might want to go into the back, girls." i heard a red-head say.

The waitresses walked into the back and the group looked at me.

I sighed.

"Do you want to go into the back aswell?" I asked her.

She nodded and went into the back of the diner.

There's 6 people, most of them are built or experienced in combat. One has a metal arm.

"You going to come willingly?" The Black haired one asked.

I looked at the diner counter top and found a glass mustard bottle and picked it up.

I tilted my head and he walked over to me.

He tried to punch me but i ducked under his arm and punched him in the rib.

He groaned.

I hit him in the nose with the glass bottle.

I saw blood drip from his nose.
He looked at me and i saw he was pissed.

Bad thing about getting mad is you're more sloppy.

Black hair tries to disarm me but is thrown to the floor by the kick to the face.

I turn to the group but is met with a punch to the face.

He punches me again but i caught the third one.
He hits me in the stomach with his other hand.
I loosen my grip and he moves his hand from my grip.

I kick him in the thigh.
His leg buckles a bit.

I hit him in the face with the glass bottle and his head shoots backwards.

Im surprised this glass hasn't broken yet.

He sticks his hands up, ready to fight and i just stand there.

I throw the bottle at the wall, glass smashing from impact, and stick my hands up.

He goes to punch me but i duck and he knees me in the face.

I groan but look at him and smile. Blood dripping from my lip.

I punch him in the face and im too fast, he doesnt block it in time.

I punch him again and his head shoots to the side.

I kick him in the head and he falls to the ground.

I turn to the other 4 and the black haired man with a fucked beard smiles at me.

I heard a step behind me but someone punched me in the back of the head.

I turn around and its black hair guy, i side-step kick him but he caught my leg.

Im thrown to the ground when blondy kicks me in the leg that supports my body.

I groan and quickly get back up again.

Im thrown to the ground but i notice, legs are around my neck.

I huff and my attacker grabs my arm, putting me into a jiu jitsu arm bar.

I kicked her in the face and she let go.

Agent 242 (Natasha Romanoff x G!P Assassin) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now