Training and Past Memories (15)

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Agent 242's pov:

Its been a week since i moved into the Avengers tower. I really don't know why im here, i'm an enemy to them. Maybe they will make me trust them and break it at the last minute before putting me in a cell.

I wake up to find Amelia looking down at me.

I've asked her many times to tell me where this thing is but she just keeps saying that she can't remember.

"Wake up lazy butt." She jokes smiling at me.

"Im up." I say as I sit up, looking around my slightly more decorated room.

Amelia basically just moved in my room, sleeping in my bed for the last week while I sleep on a couch that I asked to be put in my room.

There are a few posters on the wall and my old neat and tidy desk was made into her new desk where she keeps her diary and sometimes I teach her new things.

Like how to greet someone in a different language or how to read someone's body language, even handwriting analysis.

She would write it down in her notebook. It was amusing when she called out Nick Fury after she saw his handwriting.

Saying that his signature was different then his normal writing, telling him that he was different in public then being alone.

Nat told me off for teaching her these things, I don't see what the problem was.

"Can we get breakfast please?" Amelia asks politely, shaking me out of my thoughts.

"Of course." Amelia smiles and I get up from the couch and put a hoodie on.

I walk out the room with Amelia who has her little pink diary in her hand.

We walk into the dining area and see Natasha and most of the team sitting down.

She looks over at me and nods.

Amelia makes her way to the table that has 2 empty seats next to each other. I sit down and see her open her little diary and gives me it to write new stuff into her book.

I write some new words and phrases like how to ask someone how there doing with the translation by it.

I pass it her back and she closes it. She smiles at me and eats her pancakes.

I listen to the team's conversation and its just about training and stuff.

Tony Stark turns his head to me and I raise my eyebrow, signalling for him to speak.

"You should do training with us today, 242." He recommends.

"So she can beat everyone's ass?" Cling said sarcastically.

Amelia gasped and scolded Clint. I gave him the finger and smiled sarcastically, behind Amelia so she wouldn't tell me off. The team laughed as Clint blushs a bit from embarrassment.

"Yes I will Stark." I confirmed with him. He hummed and Amelia was struggling to cut her pancakes.

I saw this and grabbed her knife and fork and cut them up for her. She sent me a toothy smile and was now eating.

I didn't see the little smile Natasha pulled and her glare when Clint smirked at her. He tried to hide his groan when Natasha kicked him under the table.


Im in the training with the rest of the team. I wear grey joggers, sports bra with a gymshark top underneath the jumper I have on. I wear simple sneakers and I currently have my hands wrapped.

Agent 242 (Natasha Romanoff x G!P Assassin) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now