Breakfast Fights (19)

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3rd person pov:

242 looked over at Steve and just waited for him to speak. The table had noticeably gotten tense.

"We want to know who you work for." Steve slightly orders and 242 can sense it.

"I don't want to talk about it." 242 simply says, not to anyone in particular.

"We want to help you." 242 scoffs at that. She looks around the table to see everyone intensely looking at her.

"What are we sitting around the campfire telling eachother stories." She mocks.

"We want to help you by taking the threat away." Wanda softly explains to 242, trying to calm her down.

"You want to help me," 242 says, pointing to herself to emthersise her point, "or do you want to help yourself?" She asks.

The team glances at her confused and 242 laughs in disbelief.

Natasha feels a little flutter in her abdomen and curses herself for getting butterflies at this moment.

"Take down a big bad criminal so you can heroise yourselves." 242 sneers. She suddenly gets up and Steve follows her action.

"Oh what you gonna do Steve. Fight me?" She snapped. She went to walk away but he grabbed onto her bicep.

"Let me go." She hissed. "We want you to open up to us a little bit more." he simply says like it's the easiest thing in the world.

"Well I apologise but we all can't be perfect like you Captain America and trust everyone." She ranted sarcastically.

She snatched her arm out of his grip and walked out of the room. Steve went to follow her but Natasha told him to sit down. He followed her instruction and continued to eat his breakfast.

A couple of minutes later she came down with Joggers, a top, hoodie and some sneakers and went into the kitchen.

She walked out with a plate on top of a plate, obviously covering the food and walked back into the elevator.

The team had finished their breakfast and was starting to clean up when they heard J.A.R.V.I.S say "242 is currently leaving the building."

Tony, Steve, Nat, Sam and Wanda quickly get dressed while the others stay in the kitchen.

They only need the five and the other decided to stay at the compound.

They all get into the jet and go to find 242.

Agent 242's pov:

I walk out of the room, up the elevator and into my room. I quickly get dressed to go out and then I suddenly remembered that Amelia hasn't had food.

I sigh and make my way down to the kitchen again. When im there, I make Amelia some pancakes with some cut up fruit on the side.

I place a plate over the food and walk back to the elevator that takes me to the floor of Wanda's room.

I quietly let myself in and place it on the bedside table next to Wanda's bed.

I look over to see Amelia sleeping peacefully as she lets out soft snores. I smile and replace the cover over her that she must have kicked off in her sleep.

I hesitantly kiss her on the forehead and exit the room. I make my way to the enterence of the building to leave.

I hate being cooped up in that building. I need some proper fresh air.

I make my way out of the building and walk down the street. I didn't get to eat all my breakfast so im hungry.

I continue walking down the busy streets of New York, trying to find a place to eat that im interested in.

Agent 242 (Natasha Romanoff x G!P Assassin) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now