Mind Reader (C16)

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Agent 242's pov:

After 3 hours of training and chasing Amelia around becuase she stole some knives.

"What the hell just happened?" Clint asked while he was bent down with his hands on his knees, out of breath.

"Letting a little girl get the best of you, Merida." I teased. He just glared at me and I put my hands up in fake surrender.

"Hey guys look at this." Amelia said and we turned around.


Amelia had a gun in her hand.

"Amelia!" I yelled after her as she ran away.

"Oh for god sake." I heard Clint groan from behind me while im running after Amelia.


Wanda has taken Amelia to her room to watch some movies. I look down to my hand to see a baretta m9.

The kid can choose a gun.

I walk over to the training room and put the gun away. I then made my way to the kitchen to make some food for Amelia and Wanda.

I arrive in the kitchen to see Bob the builder, people call him thor, eating pop tarts. Typical.

"Hello Mortal." Thor greets. I just nod my head and hum.

"What are you doing?" He asks. "Im just making food for Amelia and Wanda." I confirm.

"Ah the little girl. She's a trouble-maker that one." He says mindlessly.

"Yes." I just say to him. I haven't made any progress with the Avengers. Haven't tried to. It's not that I dont like them, it's just I know that they are going to betray me in some way. I know it wouldnt bother me but Amelia on the other hand.

She likes the Avengers and actually socialises with them. She's a social child.

I'm thinking about leaving. Without Amelia. She deserves a nice life and who's better then a team of heroes.

Im thrown out of my thoughts when I feel someone touch my shoulder. Out of instinct, I grab their arm and flip them over my body.

They groan and I look down to see Steve. I suddenly let go and grab the food I made for the girls and walk out.


I knock on the door to Wanda's room and hear Wanda say come in. I enter the room to see Amelia and the red head lying on her bed watching Shrek.

Reminds me of hulk. Hulk is just Shrek on steroids.

I hear Wanda chuckle and I realise that she read my mind. "Sorry your thoughts are loud." She apologises and I nod my head.

I place the food down on Amelia's lap and she thanked me. I made a cheese and lettuce sandwich for Amelia. She whined when she saw it.

"You need to eat healthy stuff Amelia." I tell her sternly and she just huffed and sulked. She bit in the sandwich with a permanent angry face.

I rolled my eyes and smiled, It obviously didn't reach my eyes. I was conditioned to not feel emotions or be able to at least push them away. If you feel things than you can't kill.

I wonder what Tommy is doing right now. He might be torturing people for information about my whereabouts.

That's the thing. People get hurt when people of mass destruction escapes when their not supposed to.

It's like a lose-lose situation. You either stay and kill innocent people or leave and people are hurt because of you.

"Look 242, It's Donkey." Amelia exclaimed, happily.

"'Who's Donkey?" I ask. Amelia looked at me with a "😐" face. "What?" I ask. She just glared at me and turns to the screen awhile later. Muttering underneath her breath that everyone knows who donkey is.

Wanda giggles a bit and I hand her a sandwich. The same as Amelia's and she thanks me.

We continue to watch Donkey until Amelia has finished her food. Wanda finished a while ago.

"Why dont you go brush your teeth and if it's ok with 242, we can have a sleepover." Amelia jumped off the bed, excited. Wanda laughed at her eagerness.

There was a silence after Amelia left. Wanda looked at me. "Are you ok?" She asks, surprisingly worried?

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I queried, sitting up more properly.

"Well I looked into your mind. Not on purpose," she adds quickly, "I heard some bad things."

I cleared my throat, slightly uncomfortable with her going into my mind. "I would appreciate it if you didn't do that." I answer a bit coldly.

She wasn't expecting it as her eyes widened a bit. There was now this akward silence. No one broke it until she asked about my knuckles.

"Do you want me to re-wrap your knuckles?" She questions as she enters her bathroom that is attached to her room.

"Oh its fine." I dismiss the question. "Please I insist." I heard Wanda say as she walks out with a med-kit. She places it down on the bed and sits down.

She gently grabs my hands and un-wraps my knuckles. She then places my hands on the midsection of her thigh. There wasn't any tension, it was nice.

Wanda was humming a song or lullaby while she put some anti-defectant on my bruised and blistered knuckles.

She wraps them again. "There, all done." She tells me. "Thank you Wanda." She smiles and the door suddenly opens. A Onesie-wearing Amelia jumps on Wanda's bed as she puts the dirty bandages from my knuckles away.

I say good night to the girls and make my way to my room. I take a nice shower and brush my teeth. I put boxer briefs on, white joggers and a calvin klein shorts bra on and get into bed.

Agent 242 (Natasha Romanoff x G!P Assassin) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now