"Leave 242 alone, meanie!" (22)

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"We were talking about how Natasha looks like Chucky." Wanda laughed at my answer.

Natasha started walking over to me as I was now in the kitchen. The rest of team plus Amelia at the table eating breakfast.

"Ahh someone get Anabelle's creepy older sister away from me." I playfully say as I run out of the kitchen. Amelia giggles at my behaviour.

I then run behind Amelia's chair. She stands up on her chair and I hold my hands out incase she falls.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from Scary Natasha." She pridefully shouts as she glares at Natasha, which turns out to a cute pout.

I internally aww as she points at Natasha "Leave 242 alone, meanie!"

"Yeah Natasha, leave me alone." I playfully agree with Amelia as she sits back down on her seat. Either of us dont see the smile on everyones faces.

I sit down next to Amelia as she continues to eat her breakfast. She realises that im not eating any food.

"Are you not having any breakfast?" She asks me then she puts a peice of waffle in her mouth. I shake my head at her.

She picks a piece of the waffle with her fork and lifts it up to my mouth. I just look down at her and she says "Open."

I do as she says and she puts the fork on my mouth. I clamp my teeth down on the metal and lean my head back, the fork leaving her hand.

"Hey give me that back." She giggles as she grabs the handle of the fork to pull it out of my mouth.

I chew the waffle as im nodding my head. Amelia looks up at me and copies me.

I stop and raise my eyebrows at her. She does the same. I purse my lips and she pouts, I snort at her and she continues to pout at me.

She quickly finishs her breakfast and puts a movie on in the lounge area as Steve, sam, pietro and Wanda are there watching with her.

"That was funny." Tony says to me as im washing everything up, I insisted so everyone else can do their own thing.

Tony was in the kitchen with me, leaning against the counter as he talks to me.

"Yes it was funny." I look over at Amelia. "What's wrong?" Tony asks me as I continue to wash up.

"Its just that Amelia isnt in school right now and we dont know where her parents are. I can't take her back to her parents if I don't know who they are." I explain my concern to him.

"In my opinion, I dont think she wants to leave you or the team." Tony addresses his opinion as he is eating some blueberries.

"I can't just keep her Tony and even if she wants to be adopted, I cant do that. I mean I don't even have a legal I.D or anything. Ill have to start looking into her parents." I concur as I dry my hands off with a handtowel.

"Ill start looking into getting her to school. She most likely will be in a school already." He explains to me and I just nod at his answer.

"Thanks." We make our way to the lounge area where most of the team is and watch Hunch back of Notre-dame with them. Amelia's choice of course.

"It's not very nice that they are judging him for his appearance." Amelia argues.

"You should never judge someone by there appearance..... Unless they are bad guys." Natasha slapped my arm at this and I just looked at her. "What?" I ask defensively.

"Don't say that." She hissed as she glared at me.

"Alright. No need to shout." I put my hands up in surrender with a bewildered expression on my face.

I then look at Wanda with the same expression and she bursts out laughing.


It's night time and im reading a story to Amelia, hoping to get her to sleep.

I read the words from the pages infront of me as Amelia is lying under the covers next to me.

A small voice stopped me. "242?" she calls out.

"Yes, little one?" I ask her as I look down at her small figure next to me. "How do you know how to read?" This question confused me.

"What do you mean?" I question and she just looks at me. "Well I just thought that you didn't learn how to read as you stayed with the scary man." She explains as she starts kicking off the covers.

"Well when I was 4, My mother started teaching me how to read. I hadn't learned yet and it was a necessary skill that I needed," I explain as she just nods at my answer,  "then at 6, my mother started to teach me reading and writing in different languages."

"Well your a very smart person for someone who didn't go to school." she complemented. "Thank you little one but you need to go to sleep." I say and she pouts.

"We can have ice cream for breakfast tomorrow." I compromise. She enthusiastically nods and I smile at her.

I was about to get up when I felt 2 little arms wrap around my muscular arm. I look back at her to see her hugging my arm. She can't quite get comfortable so I lie back down. She rests her head on my shoulder and I hear quite snores come from Amelia.

I grab the cover with my free hand and put it over her to keep warm.

I sign and close my eyes.


Im woken up by whispering. I keep my eyes closed and listen to the hushed conversation.

"They look so cute." I recognised the voice to be Wanda.

"They do." I surprisingly heard Natasha agree. "Oh are you falling in love Natasha?" Wanda teased.

"Love is for children Wanda." Wanda replied with a quiet hum. I feel some movement on my arm, followed by a yawn.

"Good morning, Amelia." Wanda says and is greeted with a groan from Amelia. "I want to go back to sleep." Then she gasped.

"242 promised me ice cream for breakfast if I went to sleep." She cheers and Wanda chuckles while Natasha huffs.

"242, 242 Wake up!" She practically yells as she shakes me. I slowly open my eyes and yawn.

"Can we have ice cream for breakfast?" She asks, excited and I nod.


Me and Amelia are pouting at our normal butter on toast breakfast as Natasha smirks at us.

"Eat up girls." She comments and I huff. "Your boring Natasha." I insult her and she just shrugs. "I guess im boring then."

"Wet wipe." I mutter under my breathe. Amelia lets out a little "Ohhh."

"What was that, 242? she queries with raised auburn eyebrows.

Agent 242 (Natasha Romanoff x G!P Assassin) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now