"What!" (C10)

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Agent 242's pov:

Here i am, sat in this small room, one table and two chairs on either side.
The only other things are the glass window and the door.

Im not stupid, i know people are watching me.
Maybe Nick or Tony.

I glare at the glass panel when i hear the door open.

I turn my attention to the door and Ginger has walked in.

She sits down and looks at me with a straight face.

Oh Natasha, i can do this all day.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"You already know that." I tell her.

"Yes, but i don't know much." Natasha concludes, looking at me, trying to read me.

"You know little to nothing about me." I tell her.

"I know that you were born different. Genetically enhanced at birth, born with 5 times the strength, speed, intelligence, agility, self-awareness, pain tolerance and resilience than the normal child." Natasha explains.

"Is that supposed to scare me, Natasha?" I ask her as I tilt my head.

"Depends how you take it." She says.

"Also, do you really think that these shitty handcuffs will keep me detained?" I question as I nod to the cuffs around my wrists.

I tighten my hands by squeezing them and quickly rip the cuffs from my wrists and they fall on the table.

"You sure im not going to hurt you?"

"Im sure you can manage." She answers.

"Tell me where the girl is." I demand her.

"Your not in control here, 242."

"Your not in control either, Natasha."
I explain "Their using you.... not different from your past life, huh?"

She just looks at me.

"Tell me where the girl is." I demand.

She stands up and leaves.

I sigh and sit down.

30 minutes later...

I have been waiting here for 30 minutes.
Not that i can't wait longer, i was trained to wait for hours, days even.

I guess my comment hit her hard.
She was an assassin, she can take it.

Im so bored. I lean back in my chair and groan.

How's mother doing?
I wonder what she's doing right now?
She was probably sent to come find me or kill me.
Would mother kill me?
I actually cant say that i know if it's yes or no.
All I can say is that I miss her.

Fuck this.

I stand up and walk to the door.
I try to open it but it's locked.
I step back and kick the door down.

Suddenly, alarms blare telling everyone that im trying to escape.
Im not necessarily trying to escape.

I just want to find Amelia.

A shield agent is running at me.
I bend down to tackle him but then I flip him over my shoulder.

I walk around and I've ran into multiple shield agents.
Let's just say, all of them need to take some ibuprofen after this.

Im surprised that the Avengers havent come yet.

Im suddenly kicked in the face.

Oh here they are.

Agent 242 (Natasha Romanoff x G!P Assassin) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now