Straight out of Prison (C9)

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Agent 242's pov:

A guard pulled me out of my prison cell.

"You have a visitor." He informed me as he put handcuffs around my wrists.

People have heard about the beat-down and are wary of me.
I dont blame them.
I am very skilled.

He escorted me to a rectangular room, with 6 communication cubicles.

There was hardly any walls to provide privacy when your talking.

No one except 3 guards and a single person was there.

A man with a eyepatch and dressed like a weird middle-aged emo.

What a weirdo.

I sat down on the seat, glaring at him through the glass.

I held my wrists out, signaling the guard to uncuff me, still glaring at him.

The guard uncuffs me and walks to the corner of the room.

We just glare at eachother.
Its somehow turned into a staring contest, not either of us blinking.
He blinks first and breaks contact and I mentally celebrate in my head.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Because your a dangerous person." he answers.

"Why put me in a prison when you can take me to shield and "interrogate" me." I counter while using my hands to make quotation marks when i say Interrogate.

"Tony made a bet, that you wouldnt last 10 days in prison. I wasn't loosing a bet to that man." He told me.

"Ive been in here for 9 days." I deadpan.

"And here you are, lasting." He said.

"Tomorrow, An agent will pick you up and you will be taken to Shield compound and be "interrogated"."
He used quotation marks when he spoke, mocking me.

I huff and nod.

"Why tell me this?" I queried confused.
Why would he tell me his plans and what would happen to me. He knows i can escape right?
Maybe, he's not who he says he is.
I meant, Ive heard of Fury before.
Eye patch, 3 scars seen, the patch not covering it all and black clothes.

Must have been attacked by a really ambitious cat.

"Because, even if you know, you wont be-able to escape." He informs me.

"'You wanna bet on that?" I ask as i raise one of my eyebrows.

He narrows his eyes at me.

"I will find out about you." He says as he stands up.

I just shrugged my shoulders and looked over at the guard, and he walked over.

I held out my wrists to the guard and he cuffs me.

I stand up and glare at Fury.

I lift my hands up until the small chain from the handcuffs touches my throat.
I mock a sad face and then smirk as i put my middle fingers up at him.

He just walks out.

I stop my act and allow the guard to escort me back to my cell.

Im leaving tomorrow......Great.

A guard comes and gets me after i had a shower.

He escorts me to the front of the prison and Ginger is there waiting.

"My my, it's Kim Possible once again." I make myself known to her as she has her back to me.

She turns around and glares at me.

"Oh, Pippi Longstocking not in the mood today." I mutter underneath my breathe.

She heard me and scoffed.

The guard grabbed my personal belongings. Clothes, wallet and phone.

I go to a room and get changed into my normal clothes.

I go to a room and get changed into my normal clothes

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And a black turtleneck. Also a black belt.

I walk back into the room where Ginger is and she looks me up and down while im signing some things.

She didnt think i saw but i did.

When i was done, we walked out of the station onto the busy streets of this city.

She walked ahead and i followed her, with my hands in my pocket.

I get stared at by multiple people as we walk and i smile at them, they look down with a red tint to their cheeks.

"Hurry up." She commanded as she was at her car.
A black car with tinted windows. Not bad.

She gets in and I open the door to the passenger side of the car.
As i was about to get in, i looked at the person and winked at them.

The tint on their cheeks got darker.

"Just get into the car!" I heard Ginger shout.

"Alright love, calm down." i say to her as i close the door behind me.

She glares at me and i just raise an eyebrow at her.
She just huffs and starts the car.

"So what's your name?" I ask her.

"Natasha." She answers me, still looking at the road.

"Natasha." i repeat her name and nodded.

"What's your name?" She asks me.

"You don't need to know that."

"Oh come on, i just told you mine." she complains.

"My name is 242." I inform her.

I see her eyebrows furrow at my name.

"Its a weird name, i know." I say as i look over to her.

"No, just never heard that before." She concludes.

"See its weird."

"Just because its never been heard of, doesn't mean its weird." She says as she looks over to me.

I look at her aswell, our eyes meeting.

I must admit, she is very beautiful.

Red hair and emerald green eyes.
Full lips and a button nose.
Symmetrical face and nice eyebrows.

She looks away and we fall into silence.

I look out of the window, being momentarily blinded by the sun everytime the shade from the building doesn't cover my eyes.

This is going to be a long day.

I dont want to talk to these people but i need to know where Amelia is.

Where's Amelia!
Is she ok? Alive?

"Where's the little girl?" I ask her.

"'Safe." She answers, giving me no information on where she is at all.

I turn to her "Where is she, Natasha." I exclaim.

"You dont need to know that right now." She explained.

I shake my head.

As I shake my head, the car stops and i get out of the car quickly and there is a huge building.


Agent 242 (Natasha Romanoff x G!P Assassin) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now