Chapter 17

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Dear Readers: Super sorry it's so short. I haven't had a lot of time lately, and have been having minor writers block due to all the stress. But I really wanted to post something at least. Hopefully you enjoy. Don't worry, I'll post a lot over break, hopefully.


Chapter 17


I stood outside the castle doors, ignoring the looks I got from people as they walked past. I could do this. Why was I suddenly becoming so nervous? It was almost like I knew what was going to happen.

Screw it. 

 I sighed, straightened my dress out. Squared my shoulders and strode inside. 

It was beautiful. People...well, people like creatures. Were dancing around all over the place. Some coupled up some not. All just swaying with the beat of the music. On each side of the room a set of large doors sat. One was decorated with great vines and flowers, that wove between beautiful pictures of smiling Fae creatures, Lumina. While the other was completely opposite. Thick dead branches jutted out from horrid faces twisted in agony, Intuneric.  The entrances to the two Fae worlds.  I moved in slowly, taking it all in. When suddenly a shrill voice rang out.

"Caitirina! So glad you could join us!"  Narishka called out. Complete silence filled the air, the music stopped and everyone turned to stare at me. I looked across the great room, Narishka stood next to a tall ghastly throne, and Lorcan. I gasped when I saw him. He was gorgeous. 

He stood in a black jacket, and dark blue kilt. The same glow that seemed to float around me, did him. Our eyes met and he stalked towards me. My eyes didn't leave his the whole time, that weird trance holding us once again. He stopped in front of me grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him.

"Ye shouldn't be alone in a room like this lass." He stopped an looked down at me. "Ye're glowing." 

"Yes, and so are you." 

"Aye...but ye're not--" He shook his head. "Never mind. Come on, we must face the queen." The crowd parted for us as we walked together towards Narishka. Her smile faded as she took in my gown from close up.

"Hmm...intresting. It seems you're much more knowledgeable than I thought." Her expression changed just as quickly as it had before. She stepped down from the throne and took my hand is hers. "You're looking beautiful Caitirina, simply gorgeous. Now come, let the entertainment begin!" 


I sat on a large overstuffed pillow next to Narishka's throne. Enjoying the entertainment of the night. At the moment a group of Menehues danced around the room. Their shaggy black hair and agile bodies swung back and forth as they jounced back and forth in front of the audience. 

A Phooka with a large head of a goat approached Narishka and I, offering us a goblet of some wine. I gratefully accepted it, trying not to stare. Before I could take a drink of the sweet smelling wine a arm shot out stopping me. I turned to look at Lorcan.


He silently grabbed the goblet from my hand and sniffed, after a moment he handed it back to me with a nod of approval. He had been like this all night. A small sweet little Pixie had approached me before, offering a small purple flower. Much like the ones they wore in their hair. But before I could accept it Lorcan had growled deeply at her, and she had scurried away, crying. 

Narishka leaned towards me. "It's funny how protective he is of you, it's almost like that of an...animal." 

Before I could ask her what she meant silence fell and darkness filled the room. I heard Narishka shift in her throne. 

"Ahh, now the real entertainment begins." I instinctively reached for Lorcan's hand. He squeezed it reassuringly. 

A bright ball of light floated by my face. I turned, following it as it joined up with others floating in from the main door. Suddenly the door burst open, and Victor strode in. Athers in tow, his face a mask of horror and defeat. 


"What is the meaning of this!" I yelled.

"Shut up!" Narishka hissed. "You'll scare away the Will' o Wisps. I have waited long enough for this, and you will not ruin it for me." She made a motion in the air with her hands and a group of men grabbed me from behind. I started to resist, but stopped when one of the men stepped in front of me waving a knife back in forth in front of my face. The same kind of knife that had almost killed me before. 

"Good, little kitty." She cooed as she patted me on the cheek. "Keep him still boys." 

Victor bowed down before her, as he grasped Athers around the neck and pulled him ruffly down next to him. Caitirina made a sound of protest, but was silenced as Victor gave her an evil glare and squeezed Athers neck more tightly. 

"What do ye want with him?" I asked.

Narishka turned on me. "Will you never shut up?" She huffed. "I need the life of a pure one to open the gates of Lumina." She stroked Athers hair. "And this little one is the only one to be found. The only one here without a drop of evil." She smiled evilly. "Innocence is his only downfall." 

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