Hello! this is the surprise chapter! It's basically 20 facts you probably didn't know about your favorite element-bending tv show! hope you enjoy it!😁
Fact no.1- Toph Beifong and her family are confirmed to be the only character with an exposed last name in ATLA!
Fact no.2- Zuko was one of the last characters to be added to ATLA
Fact no.3- Zutara was supposed to be canon until some last-minute changes
Fact no.3- Sokka's name can literally be translated to "an intellectual individual"
Fact no.4- There was supposed to be a season 4 before it got canceled for the ATLA "movie"🙄😭
Fact no.5- The writers originally planned for Azula to have a redemption arc in season 4
Fact no.6- ATLA was supposed to be 1000 years into the future- but the idea got scrapped.
Fact no.7- momo was first planned to be a robot.
Fact no.8- The name "Bumi" means "earth" in many Asian languages (Indonesian, Malay, Hindi etc)
Fact no.9- Depending on how it is pronounced, the name "Yue" can be translated into "moon"
Fact no.10- Suki's name also means moon
Fact no.11- Toph was supposed to be a muscular male character, not a young, blind, girl
Fact no.12- The voice actor of Zuko ships Zutara!
Fact no.13- In a now-scrapped idea, Azula was supposed to have an arranged marriage
Fact no.14-
Fact no.15- Mark Hamill Voiced The Fire Lord(He's literally Luke Skywalker and the Joker's voice actor🤯)
Fact no.16-(u might need to take a step back for this) Iroh was supposed to betray Zuko in season 3
Fact no.17- Lake Laogai is named after an actual labor camp!
Fact no.18- Monk Gyatso is named after The Dalai Lama who's real name is Tenzin Gyatso
Fact no.19- Aang's son Tenzin is also named after the Dalai Lama
Fact no.20- Momo was supposed to be the reincarnation of monk Gyatso🤯

Avatar(ATLA) meme and fanart book
FanfictionHello dear readers! this is an ATLA meme book, I am a HUGE fan of avatar. As for shipping, I am a DIE-HARD Zutarian and a tiny bit of Taanger! but I am a mega fan nonetheless! there is gonna be anywhere from 7-20 memes per chapter. Hope you enjoy ~...