Chapter 4

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Some people are meant for you to trust, but sometimes you can't be sure.

Chapter 4

Okay, something was definitely going on.

It was already the next day from yesterday and everyone acted like it was still September 10th. The rain was still drizzling down the side walk as I walked to the school parking lot and up the sidewalk, dodging the same car that was going to hit me today. But this time, I was desperately looking for Blake, but instead he found me.

"Y-you" he said, breathless. I could see his hair was part sweaty, which probably meant he ran to school.

"Is this happening to you too?" I ask him.

His eyes widen, "Wait, what?" he asks.

"Is something... weird going on?" I ask before revealing too much, afraid he might think I'm insane or something.

" About what?" he asks, suddenly interested.

"I don't really know how to explain it," I start,"But it's really weird and you'll think I'm completely insane if I tell you."

"What is it?" he asks.

I take a deep breath, hoping that I'm not a crazy person although sometimes I am really insane.

"Well, these past two days- it's like I've been reliving the same day over and over. At first, I thought it was just all in my head but now it just seems so real. I've been learning the same classes the past few days- day and when I wake up the next day, all my notes are gone." I explain.

We both stand there for a second and there's suddenly an awkward pause, but I can tell he was thinking about all of this.

"Reliving the same day... but how did you know it was happening to me?" he asks.

My body feels relief. At least I'm not the only one whose reliving the same day and to be honest, I'm kinda happy that it's Blake. For a few seconds, I thought I was crazy.

"Yester- today I was supposed to get hit by a car but you didn't come out and save me like you were supposed to, so I knew there was something going on. But honestly, why is this happening to us?" I ask.

He doesn't answer my question and decides to ignore it. His eyes are full of guilt and I know there's something he's not telling me. But I didn't care right now, we had to get out of... whatever this thing was. It was already painful these days and now someone's playing tricks on us by making us relive the same day? Part of me hopes... knows... guesses that maybe everyone's just trying to trick us into believing we were living the same day over and over again. I thought twice about this and remembered there was no way the teachers would do all this just to get us tricked.

As I walked into the school with Blake next to me, everything was the same. The same people were walking in the same spot they've been in yesterday... err... today.

But then, I noticed something.

"Wait, stop." I tell Blake and he stops in his tracks, following me to my locker.

I knew there was something- someone missing.

Today, there was supposed to be that group of people beating up that helpless kid. Something popped into my mind and I knew we had to find him. If we were really mysteriously reliving the same day, everything had to be the same, right? Then how come that kid wasn't in the same spot from today?

I look around and I see the group of older kids talking loudly at the other side of the hallway. But the boy was no where.

"Th-that kid." I stuttered, "There was supposed to be a kid getting beat up there, right next to my locker." I said.

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