Chapter 3

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              This chapter is made specially for Naomi, CandyLuv_13. Besides from being an amazing friend, she's been sick these couple of days so please hope she gets better because I feel REALLY lonely walking home alone from school these days. Especially when she's the one that carries knives around AND I THINK SOMEONE'S FOLLOWING ME ;( SO I'LL BE WAITING FOR YOU AT SCHOOL, NAOMI. SEE YOU TOMORROW.

Everyone's scared of things that we're not supposed to be scared of because that's what we're living in- a world of fear.

Chapter 3

I woke up from the same exact nightmere from yesterday and realized it was raining. Again.

Doing my morning routine as I checked my texts this time- I saw the message that Blake sent me. Now I felt like my mind was playing tricks on me because I was sure the text wasn't here yesterday when I tried to show Blake.

Walking to school in the rain wasn't fun, especially in the rain. I was half drenched even though I was carrying my umbrella in one hand and fumbling with my bag in another. I realized that since I was already 17, I should start going to driving lessons to get my liscense. It isn't something I think about a lot but now at this condition, where my dad isn't here anymore and my mom's too busy at her new job, I really need a new form of transportation if it's gonna rain this much in New York.

Reaching the school parking lot, I see Shanelle and Daniel making out again. I had this urge to walk right in front of them and break them apart even though I knew it wasn't any of my business. It would have been totally fine if one of them told me that they were dating. It would make me feel better cause at the moment, I was feeling so left out.

Trying not to be seen, I walked to the front doors.

This time, another car was speeding towards me and surprisingly, it was the same car as yesterday. But this time I knew better as I jumped to the side of the sidewalk and walked into the school.

My school is a mixture of people with different cultures and hobbies and interests, but somehow we all managed to fit in.

I walked pass a kid getting beat up by a group of people and no one seemed to care.

Okay, so maybe not everyone fits in.

I looked at them and realized it was the same kid I saw yesterday that was being beat up. This time,  I finally knew how unfair it was even though I never been bullied in my whole life.

His yellow-brownish hair was waved and came out in all different directions. From a distance, he looked helpless and I could tell from his eyes- he wasn't trying anything to get away from all those group of guys. His green eyes glimmered against the school's bright lights as the bigger kids stood there, shouting insults at his face.

I went up to them and got ready to say something then I realized I didn't know how to stop them. The same feeling took over me, the feeling of helplessness- exactly the same feeling I felt about my father's death.

I backed away slowly as the kid looked back at me, knowing I couldn't... wouldn't help him. Making my way through the halls, I started running to my first class, English.

We were reading a book by Shakespere, who was famous but total crap to make us study it. It wasn't like we actually needed to know this stuff for the future. Yesterday, we finally got through chapter 18 which took a long time.

Taking my seat in the back, Ms. Caberas comes in the room and settles us down.

Shane comes in a few minutes late like yesterday and sweetly smiles at Ms. Caberas. I glance at Shane as she takes the seat next to me and realize she was wearing the same outfit as yesterday.

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