Monday (7)

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A soft poke wakes me from my nostalgic time travel. "he's gone Gen, you can open your eyes" He smiles then lifts his finger from my shoulder. "Thank you, that was to close for my liking" he laughs a little "When was the last time you've been living" "Good question" he exhales "Thank you for being here with me, it has been a long time since ive had real company" "Well thank you, it's nice to be around you" "Thank you" he pulls a little box out of his inner pocket "Mint" i smile "Thank you" i grab the little white round mint bomb, placing it on my tongue "Can i ask you for advice" i ask, as the warm breece transforms into a cutting cold air rushing down my throat "Sure, i don't know how good my advice is going to be tho" he clicks the box shut and stuffs it down the pocket again, resting his hands on his bent knees, looking up at the sky "I think Cat is mad at me for spending time with you" "Well, do you regret being with me instead of her" "absolutely not" burst out of my mouth before my brain can comprehend what he had asked me. he chuckles "Well then it shouldn't be a problem" "Your probably right she seemed pretty angry tho" I shrug my shoulders "You don't have to worry, you've literally just met her, you haven't known her for more than a day" "Yeah, anyways, the principal is your mother" he sighs "Yeah i know, run while you can" he says with an sad tone and his shoulders drops "It's really not a problem, why would it be" "Because i can't be trusted, i'm a snitch and" "Stop okay, i know you're not a snitch and the first one saying it will a face a lawsuit from my mothers layers or something" "You would do that for me, you've only know me for half a day" "And that enough, so please stop the whining okay let's do something, my ass hurts" i say pulling myself of gesturing my hand, he pulls my hand, nearly pulling me down "Let's run" "Right, where to" "Not run like that, lets race on the race track, you said you could outrun me so let's see if you actually can" he drags me out from under the tribune and onto the racetrack.

"Right do you want to count down" he mocks as he bends his knees, with the fingertips turning white from the pressure "one" i say looking at him, bending my knees pulling arms up in a running position "two" i look over at him, but his eyes are glued to the finish line "Three" and we jump running, I was right in front of him for the first seconds, but he runs past me looking back "Run Gen" as he runs crossing the finish line just before i did. "God your fast" I bent down resting on my knees looking at the ground. "Yeah i forgot to tell you" he pauses catching his breath "I have the record for the fastest 100 meter" "Yeah, what your time" "About 14 seconds" he laughs "Right how am i ever going to beat that" "You don't know that" he shrugs tapping my shoulder "Let's eat" he pulls his arms up victoriously waving them. "Sure" I jog up to him, holding on his shoulder holding him back. "So do you live on the school or" "Yeah i've gotten a big room tho" "Bigger than mine you think" i look up at him with a big smile "I wouldn't know, you must decide for yourself" "Your inviting me, to see your room after lunch" "I guess" a crimson color appears on his cheeks and my heart starts to flutter. I don't know how love feels but it must be this feeling, when your stomach turns inside out and your heart skips a beat whenever your name slips off their lips, how your lungs can't seem to work whenever he asks you something. "This is your first lunch here isn't it" I nod when I look into the cantine. It smells like potatoes and mystery meat. "Let's get in line" "okay" we walk across the room and every set eyes are on us, i put my mouth to his ear whispering "Can we eat in your room, everyone is staring" "Sure" he whispers back. I smile and stand in line. "So what's for lunch" "It looks like pizza and salad and jello for dessert, you can choose juice, water, milk, tea, coffee or soda" "What do you choose normally" "I normally eat the fruit and a soda" "Thats boring, don't you have appetit" "When you've eaten this since you can remember you start to get bored, so i stick with what i like, oranges" the line moves and we grab a plate "So what soda do you drink" "Just cola, nothing fancy you" "I'm more a Fanta type of girl" he chuckles "Right and your calling me boring" "Shut up" i smile looking at his back, i can already tell this is the right way to go.

And it can be difficult knowing which way to go or if you're going the right way, but if good people start to show up along the way, that's a good indicator that the way you chose is the one to follow.

"Thank you" I tell the grumpy canteen lady, she smiles. "Right, so grab your food and follow me" "Yes Sir" I answer , straightening my back, stomping my feet on the floor. He looks at me then around "Lets just go okay" he turns his back and walks, with haste steps. I take a final look around the canteen before following Alexander out on the hallway. "What was that?" he says as his pace fastened. No words were uttered on the way towards his room. He stops and opens a big door with the number 1 on it. When entering his world of teenage posters and clothes on his endless floor, it strikes me, a person living in a world by themselves, cannot handle being dragged into another. "Welcome to my kingdom traveller" "Well thank you king" he guides me to his chair "You can eat at my desk if you want" "Thank you" i nod, sitting down on his comfy chair, sitting my tray on his desk, covering the many drawings and scribbles. "So this is nice '' I say looking around, admiring his deep blue wall and king sized bed and doors leading to the bathroom and toilet. "Thank you and sorry for the mess" he apologies sitting on the floor, resting against the bed. I take a bite of my pizza getting grease across my cheeks. He smiles at his orange, peeling it, making the sweet aroma spread across the room, bringing me back to Spain. "Sorry for humiliating you in the canteen" I say, taking another bite of the pizza, slurping the cheese from my chin. "Its fine, i just don't like the unwanted attention" "Its okay i won't do it again, but it was funny right" his shoulders moves and he eat a slice before answering "Well" i interrupt "Come on, just a tiny but" I pinch my fingers together, getting them as close as i can "Fine, it was very funny" "See i told you i would be a comedian or something" he doesn't answer, he just looked down on his orange, pulling the slices apart. "So how is it like living on the school" "It has become normal, but i wonder what world lies behind these walls you know, what adventures await me" "Let me tell You one thing Alexander, the world out there doenst give a fuck who you are or what you are, it will swallow you whole at the first sign of weakness" his brows raises "Wow, i thought i was dark and thoughtfull, guess not" he munches another slice and i take a sip of my Fanta. "I'm just telling you how it is, but the travelling makes it much easier" He looks at me, but quickle looking back down on his orange "You've travelled, where to" "Almost everywhere, name a place" "Spain" he exclaims "Yes, they have the best oranges, you must visit some time" "Italy" "Yes, the long strolls in the baking sun, licking the fresh made gelato, divine" i smack my lips, mimicking an Italian accent "Your making me jealous, no more" "Well where have you travelled" "The school yard, tennis courts and behind the tribunes" "You can travel with me, explore the depth of the world with your hands in your pockets, with me, i will take you anywhere" he chuckles as i slurp the rest of Fanta "Right" he stands up, collecting his peels of the floor, before emptying his hand on my empty tray, he takes a napkin from his desk, wiping the grease of my chin and cheeks. I look into his eyes, swimming in the endless ocean of his blue eyes, discovering everything and nothing at the same time. But his eyes are locked at my shiny cheeks, not returning my wandering eyes. "Sorry" he whispered into my cheek, before lifting the napkin off my cheek, curling it together and throwing it on the tray. "Its fine" I stutter. "Let's throw this out, i need a cigarette" "Sure" he takes the tray before i can, walking towards his door "Let me open that for you" i say, rushing in front of him, opening his door, kneeling before him. "Thank you" he says bluntly. I close the door behind him as we walk towards the cantine.

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