Tuesday (1)

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I wake up at the sound of my phone buzzing. With my drowsy eyes I look at it. "Do you need new shoes, we have the newest shoes available, check out Shoesforyou.com" I sigh, but then I look at the clock. Shit i'm late. My eyes widened and I jumped out of the bed. Good thing I already have my clothes and shoes on. I open my door carefully, hopefully without a sound. I list out of my room, looking before I wander towards Alex's room. With every turn follows a look behind my shoulder, I look before crossing hallways. But I quickly reach Alex's room, almost on time. I knocked three times, very carefully. And I can hear some muffled sounds and mumbling, then footsteps approaching. I take a step back when the door opens "Gen" a pale, blond guy says "Wait who are you" then i realize, i have the wrong room. "Im Oliver, what are you doing" He has no shirt on, revealing his toned abdomen, with little hair to my surprise "I was just looking for the toilet, sorry for the trouble" "Do you usually knock before you enter a toilet" He yaws, stretching his arm up, holding the frame of the door. I scoff "I once walked in on someone doing it so it's just a habit now" He scoffs "Alexander's room is just next to mine, but he has probably heard us by now, but goodnight anyways" He closes the door, with a little smile. Then a small beam of light creeps along the floor and out steps Alexander. He's standing in a big t-shirt and pajama bottoms. I smile when I notice his ruffled hair, I take the three steps towards him. "Hi" I whisper looking up at him, his hair is damp and glistening in the muted light, coming from his room. You can smell his shampoo, it's refreshing to smell something other than cigarettes "Good Morning" He whispers, opening the door fully, revealing his cleaned room. "What" I probably sound surprised, but he said good morning and his room is cleaned, has he lost his mind. He closes the door "Well it's 00.05 so its basically tomorrow and yes i cleaned, i had nothing to do" He says scratching his neck "I smile, looking around "Why didn't you sleep, i did" I spurt out, looking at his desk, with drawings neatly stacked, pens sorted an a little candle is lit. "I couldn't" He slides down on his bed "Why" I giggle, but I have to remember, he has feelings for Cat and not me, so what am I even doing here? Am i that selfish, robbing Cat of her chance with Alex. "Nothing special, what are you thinking about" He ask, pulling a fresh pack of cigarettes out of his drawer "Nothing special, you go first" I yawn "I'm thinking about your messy hair and how funny you sounded trying to explain why you were out in the middle of the night to Oliver" I smile "Okay, well my thought is a bit more serious but I don't want to ruin our morning" I turn around, walking towards his window, looking through his white curtains. It's still very dark, but the moon is spreading his light, making it a tad easier to see the world beyond these walls. Alex stands beside me "Aren't you afraid that the thought will ruin your night if you don't say it out loud" I shrug my shoulders as he puffs the smoke out of his nostrils "Should i open the window" He asks "Sure" I answer, he opens the window slightly, letting the smoke wander out into the world and the cold breeze rushes through the little crack. "Promise to tell the truth" I say, looking up at him, but he just looks straight forward with the cigarette carefully balanced between his lips ''And nothing but the truth" he continues, i giggle "Okay, well um, i don't know how to say it but, Cat has feelings for you and" I pause "And" he repeats. God I cant believe im about to say this, please don't be mad at me. And for the love of god dont be true. "And she says you still have feelings for her" The words fall out of my mouth and i'm not even sure i get them all out in time. "So you want to know if I have feelings for her" I cant get my mouth to form the sentence i want to say, instead i just nod. My face has been set on fire and my stomach is being folded to an origami swan. I could throw up right now, if it wasn't for my mouth, my stupid mouth that won't open.

"No" He mumbles and I can hear him loud and clear, but my brain cannot process what he just said "What" I mumble, chewing my inner cheek, the only word my mouth chooses to utter is what. "No i don't have feelings for her, but does that matter" "I don't know, it kinda matters because she lied then'' He scoffs "What did i say, i knew she would be like this" He turns around, grabbing his forehead, gently rubbing it, he puts out his cigarette on the little bedstand. "What did you know, i'm lost Alex'' He sighs when sitting down on the floor, leaning against his bed, with his head tilted backwards "I had a thing with her and I ended things, god i can't believe she would say such a thing" He closes his eyes. I walk over to him, sitting down beside him, not touching, although I would like to. "I ended things with her because i fell out of love i guess, maybe she never did, but that doesn't give her the right to gossip about me" I can hear the torment in his voice "I'm sorry i told you i shouldn't have said anything'' I also close my eyes, leaning my head back, but i can't help on smiling inside, he doesn't like her. But that doesn't explain why Cat would say it then. "Gen, do you believe me? '' His voice was kinda sad, but with hope when he asked me "Yes Alex I believe you" a sigh of relief escaped his lips. Maybe my heart wants to believe him, because I am not a hundred percent sure yet. "What else did she say, if i'm not asking for too much, i can't deal with this right now, i hate this, why cant love stay in the past and not haunt me" He rambles, I frown my brows, did he say love. Love is a big word to throw around, especially as a teenager. "Love '' I whisper, opening my eyes, without an apifiny unfortunately. He grins "Love, my one enemy and my one alliered" He suddenly jumps op from the floor "Let's go for a walk" His hand is floating in front of my face "Could i change first, i don't want to have this dirty uniform on, it stinks of puke and cigarettes combined with oranges and sweat" I Take his hand "Sure i have these old jogging pants and an extra white t-shirt" He search his closet and after ten minutes of looking he finds them. He throws them at me before turning around, looking down into his desk. "What a gentleman" I say, taking my clothes off and I jump into his, they smell of cigarettes and detergent and his t-shirt is way too big for me. But I like the feeling of the loose fitting, I jump back into my shoes "Lets jump out of the window" he says with great enthusiasm "Okay" i say hesitating.

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