Exploring A New Home

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~I will give you help and rescue you.~ Isaiah 46:4

My back is starting to hurt... I don't wanna go to school!

Y'know—they won't let the students off Monday for Columbus Day... only Friday. Bruh...

Tbh honest, Coraline's parents could have treated her better, being in a new environment can be tough for a kid (coming from experience) and they kind of need the reassurance instead of getting ignored and expect them to be okay with it.

(RB/N): random baby name


As his mother types her catalog, Cory lined up the vegetable seeds along the kitchens window seal, a bored look on his face as raindrops plopped against the glass. "I almost fell down a well yesterday, Mom."


He set up the pumpkin seeds. "I would've died."

"That's nice."

"Hmm." Cory frowned before pasting a smile and skipping over to the table. "So, can I go out? I think it's perfect weather for gardening."

"No, Cornelius." His mother doesn't look up from her computer. "Rain makes mud. Mud makes a mess."

"But, Mom, I want stuff growing—" he lightly slammed his hand on the table, a sad expression on his face. "when my friends come to visit. Isn't that why we moved here?"

"Something like that." His mother sighed, looking up at him and pointing at her neck brace. "But then... we had the accident."

"It wasn't my fault you hit that truck!" Cory got defensive, folding his arms and looking away.

"I never said it was." She shook her head and returned to her work, the room silent for a moment.

"I can't believe it." Cory mutters, scratching his hand. "You and Dad get paid to write about plants," he turned to his mother and stuffed his hands in his pockets with a unimpressed expression. "and you hate dirt."

"Cornelius," She groaned, the bags under her eyes showing as he looked up again. "I don't have time for you right now, and you still have unpacking to do. Lots of unpacking." (See what I mean?!)

"That sounds exciting!" Cory feigned happiness as he rolled his eyes, raising a brow when the door bell sounded and he walked out of the kitchen quickly.

Opening the door, he smiled slightly when he saw (Y/N), and tilted his head when he saw her holding a two? year old kid on her hip. "Hey, (Y/N), who's this?"

"Hey, Cory!" (Y/N) smiled before fixing her hold on the kid. "This is (RB/N). I'm watching them while Mom's at work. She wanted me to babysit for her friend."

"Oh. You wanna come in?"

"Yes, please!"

He stepped aside as she walked in, placing her sibling down and taking their hand as they sucked on their thumb, staying close to (Y/N).

"Have you seen you place yet?" She asked as they walked into the kitchen. Cory shook his head.

"Why would I do that?" He scoffed, using his fingers for quotation marks. "I have "unpacking" to do."

"Oh." If he was trying to a get rise out of his mother other than a tired sigh, it didn't work as she glanced away from her computer and gave him a soft object wrapped in newspaper.  "Some kid left this on the front porch. Nice to see you again, (Y/N)."

Needle & Thread (Male! CoralinexReader) Where stories live. Discover now