Piece By Piece

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~I send you out as sheep in the midst of the wolves so be shrewd as servants and innocent as doves. ~ Matthew 10:16

This chapter is definitely a big boi.... I wanted to the garden, theater, and mouse circus together sooooo—enjoy this ridiculously long chapter made by me!


The old gate creaks from the rust and vines as Cory pushed it open, steeping aside so (Y/N) could follow as they looked around the garden.

(Y/N)'s skin looked a lot more healthy after she ate, still weak but moving. The once lively and bright place was now dark and withered. The flowers bent as they took a brown color, as if dying as the hearts on the stone wall played music off key and cringing to hear.

Cory exclaimed in dismay. "Ugh!"

"You said it..." (Y/N) fixed Cory's red bag on her shoulder, holding the strap closely. "Ow! What the—?" Feeling a bite on her ankle, she looked and saw the snap dragons chirping angrily at her.

"Stupid plants...!" Cory started to stomp on them as (Y/N) seemed to freeze, her (E/C) eyes glossing over and making the dark circles under them darker. She started to scratch her skin from over her (F/C) jacket as vines wrapped around her legs, the red bag dropping from her shoulder to the ground.

Cory didn't notice this as he continued to kill the snap dragons, annoyed by their constant chirps and squeaks. He also didn't notice the giant blue snap dragons emerging from the stone wall behind him until they bit and wound around his body and started to drag him. "No!"

"Get off me!" He grunted as the vines started to pull him in, looking up Cory gasped at the vines that were around the waist of a now dormant (Y/N) and growled. His eyes set on the fallen bag and he struggled to snatch the garden pliers from out of it, with one more grunt, Cory grabbed them and turns on his back, snipping the vines off of the snap dragons  with purpose as the plants screamed in pain before retreating into the stone wall.

Cory panted before shaking out of it and running to (Y/N), snipping and cutting every inch of the plant as she into his arms fell like a rag doll, worrying Cory to the max as she took a deep breath.

"Hey! Hey, (Y/N)!" He shook (Y/N) as her eyes turned from white to (E/C) again, she looked around in confusion before noticing the fallen plants. "Cory? What the heck happened?!"

"You... don't remember?" Cory's hands were tight on her arms as his eyebrows furrowed in worry at her heavy breathing. "We have to hurry up, you're getting sicker.. the circles around your eyes are getting darker."

(Y/N) wasn't able to reply as the sound of buzzing filled their ears, looking up in alarm they saw what looked like bloated wasps fly towards them.

"Ah! Get off!" Cory yelled out as one almost stung him in warning, (Y/N) waved her arms out as much as she could without getting dizzy as the wasps stopped and took the green stone from the ground and started flying off. "Cory! The stone!"

Cory stood up and ran into the bridge, keeping his eye on the wasps as he took off his hat and threw it, hitting a bullseye as the wasps stopped their buzzing and fell to the ground.

(Y/N) coughed and scratched her left arm hard, making it burn in irritation through her jacket as she caught up with Cory. They stared at the sand leaking out of the wasps' bodies before Cory picked up the stone. "Why steal this?"

"Miss Spink did say it might help," (Y/N) commented, stopping her scratching when Cory looked over. "Maybe she was just taking precautions?"

"Probably..." Cory nodded in agreement as he raised the stone to his left eye, pulling away when he saw that everting was black and white. "Wow!" He pulled it to his eye again and looked around slowly, stopping when he saw a red sphere not too far from them.

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