Nightmares And Ghosts

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~Pray that the Lord your God will tell us where we should go and what we should do. ~ Jeremiah 42:3

Double upload! 😊😊

Since I'm still kinda sick, do you guys have any tips on what I could eat that's light but solid? Soup just makes me feel worse 🙃🙃


Light started to peak into Cory's blanket, making him blink his eyes open and gasp as he jumped up, pulling the covers back and screamed happily. "Mom! Dad!"

He looked around and dropped his smile, this time in horror when he realized that the sky was not bright in any way, the stars outside his window mocking him. "Oh, no... we're still here?"

That's when he noticed something else when he crossed his legs under the blanket... (Y/N) wasn't in the room and the door was wide open.

"No, no, no!" Cory whispered urgently under his breath as he jumped out bed and into the hallway.

. . . . .

"(Y/N)?... (Y/N)?" Cory groaned as quietly as he could, pulling his hair back again I frustrating and fear as he stalked down the stairs.

Despite how dark and creepy it was, Cory was angry. Did the other mother take her? Ugh, he should've listened to (Y/N) to stay away when he had the chance...

He struggled to open the double doors in the dining room, Cory growled and clenched his hands. He then stopped— Ominous music was playing upstairs and he narrowed his eyes as he looked at the ceiling.

. . . . .

Cory slowly pushed the door open to the other father's office, looking at him in caution as he only played one note.

"Hey, you!" He called, anger written on his face as he walked forward. "Where's the other mother? Where did you take (Y/N)?!"

"All will be swell," the other father drawled out, his head leaning to the side as he turned to the boy. "soon as Mother's refreshed."

Cory was shocked at how disheveled the other father was, his combed hair was now a bedhead as his reading glassing laid at the top of his nose, broken. "Her strength is our strength—"

The mechanical popped out of the piano and grabbed onto the other father, wagging its finger scoldingly before going back into the piano. The other father slouched as he turned back around. "Mustn't talk when Mother's not here."

"If you won't even talk to me, I'm gonna find the other Wybie." Cory scoffed and turned around, hiding his worry. "He'll help me."

"No point." The other father turned around again pulled at his mouth, stretching it longer than it's supposed to be. "He pulled a long face, (Y/N) was getting too close and Mother didn't like it—."

He groaned in pain as the mechanical hand back out and shut him up, spinning him around his chair harshly as Cory gasped.

"No!" He ran back into the hallway and busted through the back door, running as he desperately watched out for (Y/N). Slowing down, he panted as the usually way to the old well was dark and gloomy, giving off a eerie vibe the Cory was very uncomfortable with.

But he kept walking, the silence being the loudest thing Cory could hear before a noise below caught his attention, almost making him kick it away. He stared with wide eyes at the black as the feline looking up him with his blue eyes.

"And what do you think you're doing?" The cat glared at him for almost kicking him before looking around. "Where's (Y/N)?"

"I don't know..." Cory sighed, pain flashing in his brown eyes. "But when I find her, we're getting out of here. Huh?"

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