Too Good To Be True?

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~They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved—you and your household."~ Acts 16:31

Uuuugghhhhh! I have two classes that involve math now because we are now training for the SAT for math in February.... I wanted to pound my head on the desk and pass out!

Which is a normal thing I do actually

Oh yeah, from what I saw, I think coraline was either going to a private school or public school that required uniforms—sooo, long skirts. Sorry! (Personally, I don't like skirts but I made this one slightly longer in a apology. Enjoy!)

(S/N): state name
(F/C): favorite color

Blinking out the sunlight in her eyes, (Y/N) sat up and stretched. Soon slumping as she looked around, she really didn't like what was going in the other world but she will admit it had some good stuff.

She jumped when she heard an annoyed and dissatisfied groan, watching as Cory frowned at his room before looking at the door and gasping.

"What?" He didn't answer as he jumped out of bed and kneeled at his door before speeding the stairs and into the hallway.

"Ugh, why me?" (Y/N) got out of bed as slowly as possible, shivering at the cold wood and groaning. Finally gaining the courage to walk, she sighed and looked at where the blue haired was looking and froze.

The crumbs from the cheese Cory placed last night were still there...

. . .
. .

"There were garden squash like balloon animals," Cory ranted from the back seat with (Y/N), his Japanese hat on his head as his mother pulled up to a garden building. (Y/N) perked up when she remembered; "and snapdragons! Oh, and upstairs, we saw a real mouse circus."

"Not pretend like the crazy man's in our house." Cory unnecessarily added, taking off his hat and fixing the hair clip (Y/N) gave him as his father held his briefcase anxiously.

He looked at his wife. "You sure you won't come?"

"Don't fret, Charlie." Seeing as that they weren't listening again, Cory quietly scoffed and fell back into his seat, raising a brow at (Y/N) when she offered her fist. "They'll love the new catalog, at least they'll love my chapters."

"I did not call him crazy, Cornelius, he's drunk." his mother turned to address him as Cory and (Y/N) were in the middle of a very serious game of "rock-paper-scissors", stopping when his father opens the back door and chuckled.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around, you dizzy dreamers." He ruffled (Y/N)'s hair as she laughed and fixed it, then pinched Cory's nose as he yelled and held his knees defensively. "Dad! I'm not five anymore."

"Bye, Mr. Jones!" (Y/N) waved as the car pulled out of the small parking lot and drove off.

. . . . .

(Y/N) and Cory sat beside each other as his mother picked out school uniforms for him— and a couple for her since she was starting a new year in the same high school and her mother lent some money.

Not long after they sat down, (Y/N)'s mother wanted to talked to her on the phone so as she walked off to do that, Cory clicked his tongue at pesky music meant for an elevator before noticing some orange, green, and brown stripped gloves on the table next to him.

He grabbed them and immediately scooted to the side as a boy came rushing down the on a wheelie stool with another boy following him, using his hands a trumpet. "My kingdom for a horse!"

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