Chapter 1 S1

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Art is not mine!

Season 1


Hey! My name is Y/n and I'm a normal human. I live in Katolis, which is a pretty powerful kingdom. My best friends are Prince Callum and his younger step brother, Prince Ezran. You could say I'm a pretty good fighter, which is why their father, King Harrow gave me the mission to protect them with my life no matter what happens. One day, when I was walking to King Harrow's room, I overheard King Harrow speaking with Lord Viren. Lord Viren is King Harrow's best friend and father of Soren and Claudia. He's also known as the "High Mage" Soren, Claudia and I aren't really friends. Soren is a crownguard and Claudia is practising Dark Magic or something. What I know for sure is that Callum has a huge crush on her. I know that Lord Viren isn't a good guy which is why I don't trust nor like him. So, whenever he asks me something, I simply ignore him unless, King Harrow's there. But that converstation I heard changed everything. Apparently some Moonshadow Elves had planned to assassinate King Harrow. Lord Viren was freaking out and honestly, I thought it was quite funny but I couldn't laugh right now. I waited for their converstation to end and then I entered the king's room.

"King Harrow?" I asked, trying to sound as calm as I could.

"You overheard the conversation, didn't you?" He was surpisingly calm. Maybe because Lord Viren was worrying enough for the whole kingdom.

I looked at the window where King Harrow was standing. I nodded and he chuckled softly.

"Y/n, I want you to take Callum and Ezran to the winter lodge. Do you understand?" He asked, a lot more serious than before but still, there was a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Yes, my king," I said, and left the room.

Time skip

A few hours passed by and then I decided to start packing my stuff until, I heard a familiar voice.

"Y/n, help. Please."

It didn't take long for me to realise that it was Ezran.

"Hey Ez, what's up? What do you need help with?" I asked him softly, but he looked at me with fear in his eyes.

"What's wrong, Ezran." I asked more serious.

"It's Callum. He needs help, like, right now."

Time skip

Ezran took me to some kind of secret passway behind a giant painting. When we had walked for around 10 minutes we heard two voices. I recognized Callum's voice immediately but the other voice, ehh not so much. It was a girl's voice and oh boy. She did not sound happy. I was so wrapped up in my own thoughs I hadn't realized that Ezran had opened up a painting in front of us, and was now introducing his glow toad, Bait, to the mysterious girl, who now I realized was a Moonshadow Elf.

"Have you met Bait? Say hello to my little friend!"

A few seconds later I was blinded by the strong, glowing light of that grumpy toad and before I knew it, I was running down that secret passway with a very angry Moonshadow Elf assassin chasing us. We finally reached a dead end but Ezran started pressing stones and suddenly, a staircase leading deeper down opened up. We walked down into some secret chamber and Ezran pulled a leaver and the staircase went back up again.

"Ezran, you're sure she won't be able to follow us?" I asked the young prince who replied happily, "no way, it took me over a month to figure out that combination."

Exactly when he said that, the staircase opened up, and down came the Moonshadow Elf.

At that point, I could finally take a closer look at her. She had white, shoulder-lenght hair, purple eyes and some markings underneath them.

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