Chapter 1 S2

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Callum POV

It feels like a life time since we left home. But it's only been a week! We left because we found something the world thought was destroyed... the egg of The Dragon Prince! Ezran, Y/n and I decided to take a dangerous journey across the world... and carry this precious egg, home to its mother in Xadia. Maybe then we can stop the war. It's been an amazing adventure. I'm even learning how to do magic! Some good and bad things have happened. Y/n almost died but then turned into a half Moonshadow Elf, half human, or that's what we thought. Turns out, she can also do magic! Though, it hasn't always been easy. In fact, it's probably been the hardest thing we've ever done. But we haven't done it alone. We've been traveling with a new friend, Rayla, who is a Moonshadow Elf. Nothing I believed about elves is true. Rayla is kind and good. She's fearless, fast, strong...


''And daring. Oh, so daring!''

Callum jumped when hearing Rayla's voice, clearly not realizing we'd been reading what he was writing.

''Hey, have you just been standing there the whole time?'' Callum started blushing a lot. Out of embarrassment? I hope so.

''Don't let us interrupt,'' I scoffed and sat down.

''You were looking for another good word to describe me, right? Well, I consider myself quite daring,'' Rayla said, making fingerguns.

''Quite?'' I ask with an eyebrow raised. Rayla nods in response.

''Well, I'll be sure to tell my stepdad how 'quite daring' you are,'' Callum says while writing it down. He doesn't notice the look me and Rayla give each other.

''You're writing a letter... to the king?'' Rayla asks hesitantly.

Callum looks at me and nods. ''He'll be worried about us. It'll mean a lot to him to know why we left, and that we're doing okay. Y/n, I think you should also write him a letter. I'm sure he's gonna love it!'' Callum handed me a few papers and a pen before continuing with his own letter.

Callum POV

In journeys, there are always surprises. Things never go as you plan. We dropped the egg, and thought all was lost. But something incredible happened. Now, instead of carrying an egg to Xadia, we're taking care of someone new. The most powerful creature in the entire world.


''He doesn't know?!'' Rayla whisper shouted. Me and Rayla decided to go somewhere more private to talk about what happened to the king.

''No! He doesn't realize his stepfather's gone! If we can't tell him, imagine how hard it'll be to tell Ezran it!'' I whisper shouted back. ''Callum's always been like this. He's always the last one to realize. He's always caught up in his little fantasies to care.''

Time skip

''Come and get it, everyone,'' Lujanne said and showed us a table, loaded with food. ''Elves and humans over here, and those with three or more legs, can sit there with Phoe-Phoe.''

We all walked to the table and sat down, looking at the food the old lady had prepared for us. I'll give her that, the lady definitely knows how to cook fast considering how old she is.

''You named her Phoe-Phoe?'' Ellis asked confusingly.

''She is a Moon Phoenix. Her name is short for 'Phoenix-Phoenix,'' Lujanne replied calmly.

''You have the best food up here! What's your secret?'' Ezran asked with his mouth full of food.

''Well, my secret is... that it's all fake!''

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