Chapter 4 S2

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Hello wonderful people. I hope that you guys are still enjoying the story even though the spelling, grammar and the plot are all fucked up. But thank you for the support and don't be afraid of leaving comments! I enjoy reading them <3

''We can't trust them!''

Ever since the breakfast, me and Rayla had been trying to talk some sense into Callum's brain but with no luck.

''Look, I get it. You don't like Claudia. She tried to kill you multiple times. But remember, until today, she though you were trying to hurt me and Ezran,'' Callum said calmly.

''That's not the only thing. She almost killed Yn twice! And I know they're lying. I know because... Well, because-'' I sensed that Rayla was about to tell Callum the truth but someone interrupted her.


We all looked at the caller and saw Claudia. I gave a death stare but she smiled back. She and Callum left for a 'walk'.

''We have to tell Callum the truth before Claudia convinces him to return home,'' I looked seriously at Rayla and she nodded. ''We've got to keep our eyes on Mud Face as well. I've got a bad feeling about what he's doing.

Me and Rayla decided to spy on Soren and Claudia. I followed Claudia and Callum, while Rayla kept her eyes on Soren. Later that day we met up and talked about what we found out during our 007 moments. (I have no idea if that makes sense, sorry-)

''I don't know if you realized yet, but Callum's got a huge crush on Claudia,'' I smirked.

''Don't worry, I figured when she almost killed us at the winter lodge,'' Rayla smirked back and I chuckled.

''So, what happened with Soren?'' I asked.

''Oh, nothing much. Just him trying to murder Ezran,'' I looked at Rayla but she was looking down at the ground.

''That's a big accusation, Rayla. How can you be so sure?''

''He was making some weird zipline across a giant canyon. The zipline was stuck to a tree, holden down with a small, wooden peg which was very loose when Ezran went.'' Rayla finished explaining and I realized what we were dealing with.

''This is worse than I thought. Did you know that Soren and Claudia are siblings? And their father was King Harrow's best friend?'' I asked.

''What are you saying...?'' Rayla asked hesitantly.

''I'm saying that Ezran and Callum are in real danger and if we don't get them away from Claudia and Soren, there'll be no way to stop this war for good,'' I said.

Rayla looked at me for a second before standing up and rushing to the house Callum was in. I quickly followed.

''We can't trust Soren and Claudia.''

''I thought we talked about this,'' Callum turned around to face me and Rayla.

''We have proof now. Just please, Callum. Listen,'' I asked and Callum sighed.

''Soren built a zippy line thingy for Ezran, but it was a trap. He wanted there to be an accident,'' Rayla put her hands on her hips.

''Wait, how do you know that?'' Callum asked in disbelief.

''The peg was kind of loose,'' Rayla answered proudly.

''Kind of?'' Callum cocked an eyebrow.

''It was definitely loose. Which is why Soren tightened it before he went down.''

''So, it was loose, but then he tightened it?'' Callum asked cluelessly, not that I blame him. Rayla was BAD at explaining things.

''Callum, I know I'm not explaining it well, but you just have to look me in the eyes and trust me,'' Rayla sighed.

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