Chapter 9 S1

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Was this the end of out journey? Heck no it wasn't!

Just when we were losing hope, the egg cracked more and more and out came a baby dragon! The baby dragon yawned and then tried to walk. That didn't go very well. After a few steps he fell with a whimper.

''Come on Bait, help him! His eyes are stuck,'' Ezran said and put Bait down. ''You need to lick them open!''

At that point, I started to feel really bad for the poor guy. He even turned purple to show how disgusted he was having to do this. He's got a lot of courage I'll give him that. Bait licked the baby dragon's eyes and that did it! He opened them and made some kind of yip yelp sound before jumping on poor Bait, licking him. He then jumped off of Bait and licked Ezran.

''You know your own name! Azymondias,'' Ezran chuckled and petted, well, Azymondias.

''Yeah, no way I'm calling that dragon by that name. Imagine if we're hurrying. It's gonna cost me half my brain cells trying to remember his name and saying it while protecting your asses,'' I say grumpily.

''We'll call him Zym then,'' Ezran replied happily while petting Zym. ''That's Y/n. Yu almost blew off the mountain, but Y/n saved you!''

Zym came bouncing towards me but instead of petting him, I ran behind Rayla, hoping she'd protect me from that cute, lil' beast.

Rayla bent down and petted Zym, who purred softly. He then noticed her hand who looked like it was about to fall off any second. Poor Rayla, honestly she doesn't deserve loosing her hand but Ezran doesn't deserve to die.

''Aww! It's okay, little one. The important thing is you. One miracle is enough for me today,'' Rayla said, but that didn't stop Zym.

Zym looked at Rayla's binding before biting it. Before he did anything else, he looked at her like he was asking for permission to keep going. Rayla didn't say anything so I guess he just did whatever he wanted. Zym pulled the binding harder and harder, until it ripped. When the binding ripped, Zym bounced backwards and landed on his back where he spit the binding out of his mouth and smiled.

I finally decided to forgive that lil dragon for almost getting me killed 2 or 3 times and stepped forward. Zym immediately came running to me and licked my face, making me fall backwards.

Suddenly, a pink light caught our attention. It was like a shooting star and a firework mixed together.

''It's beautiful,'' I say while looking at Rayla. I didn't realize I said that while looking at her so I turned my head to Zym, blushing more and more. Luckily, the others didn't notice. I sighed and looked up at the pink light.

Little did any of us know that Soarin and Claudia were hunting us. This'll definitely complicate things but as long as I had my team, I knew we could face anything.

End of season 1


Hey Y'all,

This chapter is short because season 1 is finished and I didn't wanna complicate things more so yeah. But the rest of the chapters won't be as short. Hope you liked this one!

-Jing <3

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