💥Chapter 5💥

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Y/N Pov:

I had spent the last three days preparing the obstacle course at the beach. It was finally ready for Bakugou and me to train. It is finally Friday, and we had to vote for a class rep before lunch and we had special hero training in the afternoon.

When Aizawa told us to write down our votes, everyone went crazy trying to convince the others to vote for them. Bakugou and Iida were the loudest while trying to get votes, but that didn't bother me. I already knew who I was going to vote for. Momo had shown me how well she could make plans, and I thought that she was the most logical choice.

Midoryia ended up getting the class rep position and Momo was his deputy. I looked over at Iida, and he seemed like he was in shock. He had expected to win, but he was just too strict for everyone's liking.

Bakugou was seething.

"Who voted for that stupid Deku?!"

Everyone ignored his outburst. The whole class was already used to Bakugou's anger issues. Bakugou was glaring daggers at Midoryia who was standing in front of the class, shaking from surprise.

I walked over to Bakugou and put my hand on his shoulder, hoping to calm him down. He swatted my hand off and turned to glare at me. I set my hand back by my side and gave him a small smile.

"Don't worry about it. You're great at so many other things."

Bakugou just sneered at me, but he stopped his yelling. Aizawa noticed the silence, and not knowing how long it would last, let us go to lunch early.

I sat with Momo, Mina, Jiro, and Hagakure for lunch. I was halfway done with my lunch when the alarms went off. The alarm means that someone broke into UA. All of UA's students shot out of their seats and started swarming the exits. I was also trying to get out, but I wasn't nearly as frantic as everyone else.

I was being trampled in the hallway when a firm grip pulled me towards them.

"Thanks, Shinso. I haven't seen you in a while."

"Hi Y/N. I heard that you got into the hero course. That's good for you."

Shinso seemed supportive, but also somewhat sad. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Iida shooting through the air. He hit the wall above the exit sign and announced that it was just the press. Slowly, the chaos slowed down and I was able to move again.

"It was nice to see you again, Shinso. See you another time."

I waved goodbye and walked back to finish my lunch. By the time that I got back to where I left my lunch, the lunch period was over. I threw away the rest of my lunch and made my way back to Class 1-A.

In Class 1-A, Midoryia handed over the class rep title to Iida who gratefully accepted. Afterward, Aizawa announced that we would be doing rescue training at a facility outside of the school's campus. He told us that we are allowed to wear our hero costumes if we want to. He had us grab our costumes, go get changed, and get on the bus.

Everyone except for Midoryia wore their hero costume. Midoryia's was still being repaired after the battle training, so he wore his gym uniform.

When we got on the bus, I sat on one of the benches in the back. I didn't have anyone sitting next to me, so I stretched out my legs and decided to take a nap. My head leaned against the window as I drifted to sleep.

A man with shaggy, pale blue hair was right in my face. He had a hand over his face covering everything except for his bloodshot, red eyes. I tried to back away or to scream for help, but I couldn't move. I could feel the menacing aura radiating off of this man. He put four fingers around my neck, and when I was certain of my doom, he let go. When I heard his scratchy voice, my blood turned into ice. Not at his voice though, but at his words.

"See you soon Y/N."

My head shot off of the window and I desperately tried to calm down my racing heartbeat. I had a tear streaming down my left cheek, but I couldn't even feel it. I didn't notice it until Jiro, who had been sitting in front of me, came to my side and wiped it away.

"What happened Y/N?"

I took many deep breaths, and when I was finally sure that my voice wouldn't break, I answered her.

" I had an awful nightmare. There was a villain with pale blue hair and red eyes that was seconds away from killing me. He had four fingers around my neck, and then he said that he would see me soon."

I was shaking a little bit from reliving my nightmare by telling Jiro. She pulled me into a hug.

"You're safe Y/N."

Bakugou had turned around and heard about your nightmare. He saw that thanks to Jiro, you had calmed down. He scoffed and went back to ignoring everyone.

Class 1-A arrived at the USJ and was greeted by Thirteen. Thirteen took them inside and gave us a speech about how quirks should be used for good. When Thirteen finished their speech, Aizawa started to explain when he was interrupted.

A portal opened around the fountain and a man who looked like the man from my nightmare crawled out.

Jiro looked at me as if to confirm what she was seeing. I nodded my head. This was the man from my nightmare. Apparently, he was serious when he said he would see me soon.

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