💥 Chapter 11💥

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Y/N Pov:

When we got to the kitchen I could smell the curry on the stove. I haven't had curry in a while and I have missed it so much. Recovery Girl has been busy at work recently.

"It's almost done. Katsuki! Go entertain the poor girl. You're lucky that she decided to stay. Don't waste her time."

Katsuki glared at his mom, who glared right back at him before he gave in. He didn't want to get hit.

"Come on Y/N."

Katsuki started to head out of the kitchen, so I followed him. We went upstairs and into a room that had a sign that said Keep Out with explosions and skulls around it.

"You must hate having people in your room."

I meant to say that under my breath, but he heard me. He spun around and got all up on my face. He started to yell about how he needed his personal space away from the old hag. My cheeks were red from how close we were. Bakugou noticed and backed away so quickly that he tripped over his rug.

"Are you okay Katsuki?"

I rushed to his side and his face was redder than Kirishima's hair.

"I'm fine you idiot."

"I'm your idiot though."

We both turned red at what I said.

"That came out wrong! I meant because we're friends! And I thought that I told you to call me Y/N."

I was hiding my face in my hands when Katsuki pulled them off. He looked me right in the eyes.

He opened his mouth to say something when we heard a shout coming from downstairs.

"Brat! Bring Y/N down for dinner!"

"Fine, you hag!"

Katsuki was about to keep yelling at his mom when I grabbed his arm and just dragged him downstairs. I knew that their shouting matches could take a while and I was hungry from training.

After dragging Katsuki to the kitchen, I forgot that I was holding onto his arm. Mitsuki was squealing while Masaru was trying to calm her down. I was very confused until Katsuki spoke up.

"You can let go of me now, Y/N."

I turned bright red and immediately took my hand off of him. I was very surprised that he didn't yell at me. He never lets anyone touch him.

We all sat down at the table. I was right next to Katsuki and across from Masaru. Mitsuki brought the curry over along with a bowl of rice.

I was so excited about the curry, so I took a big scoop. I took a little bit of rice and then waited to give thanks. We all have our thanks and started to eat.

The curry was so good! I was going for my second spoonful when the kick from the last one hit me. This is the spiciest curry I have ever had! It makes sense because of Katsuki.

It was way too spicy for me, but I didn't want to be rude, so I kept eating. By the time anyone at me, I had tears streaming down my face. The curry was so spicy, but I kept eating.

"You don't have to eat it if it's too spicy, dear. I can get you something else."

"I'm fine. It is really good, Mitsuki."

I took another spoonful. It was a little bigger than the last because I wanted to prove that I did like it. That was a mistake.

The tears started to fall even faster. I desperately grabbed my glass of water and drank half of it. My mouth was still on fire though.

Katsuki got up from his seat and went to the fridge. When he got back, I had finished all of my water. He set a glass of milk in front of me along with a bowl of cold ramen.

I drank the milk and the fire in my mouth was finally put out. I gave him a grateful smile and started to eat the ramen. Katsuki took my bowl of curry and dumped it into his.

"Not going to let good curry go to waste because Y/N has weak taste buds," Katsuki mumbled, but we all heard him.

I playfully elbowed him in the side and then went back to eating my food. He elbowed me back and it turned into a full-on elbow war.

Mitsuki was laughing at us as we fought. Anyone watching could tell that we didn't want to hurt each other.

I was the one who was mature enough to end the war. I would've kept going, but my ramen looked good. I peacefully ate my ramen as Katsuki sulked because I wasn't paying attention to him anymore.

We all finished our lunch and I was about ready to leave when Mitsuki stopped me.

"Y/N, we were planning on watching a movie today. You should join us."

"Are you sure?"

"We would love to have you here."

"If you're sure, then I would love to stay."

We all sat down on the couches. Mitsuki and Masaru were on one and Katsuki and I were on the other. Mitsuki turned on a horror movie and I flinched. I don't like horror movies, but I can probably make it through without getting too scared.

Masaru made popcorn and put a bowl on each couch. I was somewhat close to Katsuki so that we could share the popcorn. I was doing great until a man with a bloody knife jumped out. I grabbed onto Katsuki and clung to him until the scary part was over.

After the worst part, I went to move away from Katsuki, but he held me to him.

"You're fine here, Y/N," Katsuki whispered. "We don't need you to knock over all of the popcorn."

I nodded my head and stayed where I was. As I was pressed against his side, I realized that he smelled a lot like caramel. I snuggled in a little closer and Katsuki tensed up. He looked down at me and slowly started to relax. I was still watching the movie, so I didn't notice that he was staring at me.

Mitsuki and Masaru had both abandoned watching the movie. They were watching the way Katsuki looked at Y/N and the way that Y/N cuddled into Katsuki's side. What was the most surprising was that both kids were completely calm about it.

The movie had just finished and I knew that I had to get home soon otherwise Grandma will worry. She said that she was getting off of work early today.

"I have to get going. Thank you so much for the training, lunch, and the movie. I had a lot of fun."

I smiled at all of them. They were so nice to let me stay.

"It was a pleasure to have you here Y/N."

Mitsuki and Masaru both smiled at me. They both hoped that Y/N would be back soon.

I ran over to Katsuki and pulled him into a surprise hug. Like last time, he was surprised but eventually hugged me back.

I looked up at him with a huge smile and a small pink tint on my cheeks.

"Thank you for everything, Katsuki!"

"It was nothing, Y/N."

"I'm going to go home. Thanks again. Bye!"

"Get home safe Y/N or I'll kill you."

"Sure thing Katsuki!"

I turned around and walked home. It was a lot nicer than the running this morning.

Behind me, Katsuki was watching to make sure that nothing happened when Mitsuki started to laugh.

"So she gets to hug you, but your parents don't?" Mitsuki teased.

"Shut it you hag."

Bakugou stomped off to his room, grumbling about how he could do whatever he wanted.

Mitsuki stood there with a huge grin on her face because she knew that her new ship would be taking sail soon.

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