💥Chapter 29💥

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Y/N Pov:

Unlike Midoryia, who was unfocused after the meeting, I became extra focused. I had to become stronger so that I could save Eri. When the five of us got the message, I was ready to save her.

The pro heroes stood outside the normal-looking building that was the Shie Hassakai headquarters and where Eri was being held. I stood beside Kiri, Tamaki, and Fat Gum. According to Aizawa, there was a chance that the League of Villains would show up, so I should try to stay with a pro.

With everyone ready to go, a police officer pushed the intercom on the fence. Before he could leave a message though, a huge man in a plague mask broke through the gate and knocked the police force into the air.

Aizawa and Deku, he told me to call him his hero name, caught the police officers and lowered them to the ground.

Ryuku, the hero that Ochako, Tsu, and Nejire were working under turned into a dragon and fought the big man. She told us that her agency would handle it, I followed my group into the Shie Hassakai building.

Sir Nighteye found a secret passageway using his foresight, but three men ran out of it. Sir Nighteye's assistants took them out and we continued on our path only to be met by a dead end. Mirio peaked his head through and found that the path continued on the other side. 

"We've come too far to let this stop us!"

Kiri and Deku broke down the wall with brute force and we were on our way again. We ran down the halls until the walls and floor started twisting. It looked like we were stuck inside a washing machine as we made our way down the hallway.

"I can make it!"

Mirio ran off as Deku and Sir Nighteye yelled for him.

"It's a race against the clock. They know it too. This is all just to buy them time! See you guys on the other side!!"

Mirio ran through the walls to save the girl that he failed to save before.

After Mirio left, the floor fell out from beneath us. As we fell, I felt my stomach sink and my braid fly behind me.

We hit the ground and the hole above us closed. We were stuck in this room now.

"We only fell one story. This wasn't meant to kill us."

Aizawa had landed gracefully in a crouch. I, on the other hand, landed right on my back. Way to go me.

A man with chin-length hair and a bird beak mask, a strong man with a face mask, and a man with a sack over his head with eyeholes cut out walked towards us.

"Life's just full of surprises, huh?"

The man with the bird beak was mocking us. Fat Gum knocked his fists together, ready for a fight.

"So they wanna fight...?! How about we show 'em what us here pros can do..."

Fat Gum was moving towards the criminals when Tamaki stopped him.

"You pros and your power are essential to the mission! As for these guys trying to slow us down... I can deal with them by myself!"

"What the heck, man?! Let's do this together!"

"Yeahhh! Work together, why don't cha? More pigs to the slaughter!"

"I'll stay! The rest of you need to go! We'll see you later!"

Tamaki used his octopus tentacles to capture the criminals and the police stated their names and quirks.

"Setsuno." He looked at the man with the bird beak. "Quirk- Larceny."

"Hojo." He looked at the strong guy. "Quirk- Crystallize."

"Tabe." He looked at the man with the sack over his head. "Quirk- Food."

"Ethereal and I can handle these three! They're trying to keep us busy! We can do this! Go save Eri! There isn't any time to spare!"

Tamaki was speaking loudly and clearly. Fat Gum saw his determination and made a difficult decision.

"We got this Fat Gum! Go save Eri!"

Fat Gum looked for fear in my eyes, but he found none. I trust Tamaki and I know that we can defeat these three.

"Let's go! Through that door!"

Fat Gum lead the other heroes out of the room. He had to drag Kiri away because he thought it was unmanly to leave his friends. As Aizawa left, he knocked Tabe unconscious before leaving the room.

Right before he left, he made direct eye contact with both of us.

"Suneater, Ethereal, be the heroes that I know you are!"

After saying that, he followed the other heroes.

Tamaki raised a hand full of tentacles to knock them out when Hojo used his crystals to break free. He smashed into Tamaki with his crystals. I ran over to Tamaki and took his injuries. I shot them at Setsuno who looked like he was planning something.

Setsuno was in shock after my blacklight hit him and then he was injured. He didn't know my quirk, and that would only help me. 

I grabbed a crystal off of the ground and knocked him out. I watched his eyes go blank and his head droop to the side.

"Suneater! Two out of three are unconscious!"

I turned around just as Tamaki used his ultimate move.


Hojo was hit with wave after wave of tentacles. His crystals couldn't keep up, so he had to call for help.

"Time to eat!"

Tabe began to stir and before I could knock him out again, he was up and moving. He lunged for Tamaki, chomping on the tentacles as he went.

"Octopus... Yummy."

Tabe ate each tentacle that Tamaki sent his way. It was having no effect, but Tamaki had taken some damage from Hojo. I ran over to him and transferred his injuries to myself. I shot the black light of injuries towards him, but he opened his mouth wide and swallowed it whole.

Tabe started to munch on another tentacle before he fell to the floor. His insides were bruised and bleeding, and he couldn't move. I ran to him and knocked him out with a solid punch to the jaw.

Tamaki was fighting Hojo again, but Hojo seemed stronger. He was pummeling Tamaki, not giving him a chance to attack.

I ran over, but then Tamaki shot crystals out of himself.

"You... You ate my crystals!"

"That's right!"

Tamaki hit him with his crystals until he could barely stand. I took Tamaki's new injuries and passed them to Hojo. Hojo started to sway on his feet and Tamaki delivered the last blow. He hit Hojo with tentacle-wrapped crystals, knocking him unconscious immediately.

I pulled Setsuno and Tabe closer to Hojo and Tamaki tied them with a tentacle. We removed any weapons from them and I took Tamaki's injuries again and passed his and mine to Tabe. We couldn't have him eating his bonds.

"We did it Suneater!"

"Good job, Ethereal!"

Now that the battle was over, Tamaki was back to his shy, mumbling self. I didn't mind though.

"Let's go help the others!"

Tamaki and I ran down the hallways, praying that we were going the right way.

We were heroes and we had to save Eri! Even if it cost us everything that we had.

Thank you for reading! I appreciate it! I can't wait until Eri is safe! Have a great day!🥰

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