💥Chapter 25💥

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Y/N Pov:

It was the day of our Provisional Hero Licencing Exam. My class was gathered together, about to do our cheer when someone interrupted us. I was focused on something else though. Ms Joke.

She always tries to charm Aizawa or make him laugh. I shot Aizawa a glance and he was already giving me a pleading look. He didn't want to deal with her today, or any other day.

I walked over to Ms Joke and engulfed her in a hug.

"Joke! It's been so long! How has teaching been going?"

"I got a great class this year! Where's Eraserhead?"

"He's busy at the moment, but he is a great teacher! On the first day of school, he expelled an annoying pervert and all of the girls were so thankful!"

"I'm surprised that he doesn't just nap all day."

"He does, but if you're perceptive like me, you can see that he does care about us."

"Do you want to meet my class?"

"Of course!"

I looked back and saw Aizawa thanking me for distracting her. I nodded my head and went to meet Joke's students.

"Hi! I'm L/N Y/N from Class 1-A at UA! It's nice to meet you!"

A boy with short black hair rushed forward and grabbed my hands.

"My name's Shindo! UA has been through so much this year, so good job fighting through everything! You were one of the kidnapped ones right?"

The topic made me feel guilty, but I tried to keep my smile up as I nodded.

"You were so brave and strong! You gave the League a real challenge!"

I gave him a real smile as I tilted my head to the side. It was nice that someone saw me as strong.

"It means a lot to hear that, so thank you."

Bakugou Pov:

Why did that black-haired extra have his hands on Y/N's hands? and why were they smiling at each other?!

I stomped over to them and pulled Y/N towards me by grabbing her arm and yanking her back. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as her face heated up.

"Do you need something, or can we go?"

Venom laced my voice as I glared at the black-haired kid.

"I'm so sorry Shindo! He can be rude sometimes, but he's nice to me."

"Don't worry about it. It's amazing that he still has so much fight after being kidnapped."

Shindo said it with a kind smile, but his voice was laced with a challenge. I lunged at him, ready to punch him into next week when Y/N pulled me back.

"Save it for the exam. He didn't mean it that way."

I grumbled, but I stopped trying to break free.

"Go back to our class. I'll be there in a minute."

"Don't hurt him Katsuki."

I waited until Y/N was gone before I got up into Shindo's face.

"If you ever touch her again, I'll kill you."

"That doesn't sound very hero-like."

"Neither does insulting someone who survived tougher villains than you'll ever face!"

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