~Asahi Azumane- sleepover~

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A: I'm Asahi trash. I just love him.

- not proof read

You and Asahi walked through the halls Suga and Daichi had just left on their own. They had to go to class. But you and Asahi continued to wander the almost empty halls. You had a tight grip on Asahi' sad you guys walked.

" Hey babe?" Asahi asks. " hmm" you hum an answer. Asahi looked down at the floor. You could tell he was trying to to screw up his words. " W-wanna stay at my place tonight and we could...like...watch a movie?" He finally says. You take a second to think. You had nothing going on tonight and it was Friday so yeah maybe. " Sure!" You answer excited.

" Really?" Asahi questions. " Of course! But don't you have practice today?" You ask. Asahi's face changes. You had remembered Daichi reminding Asahi just minutes ago, but Asahi probably forgot. " Oh crap, that's right." Asahi says, hitting his palm to his forehead.

" Sorry babe." Asahi apologizes. You smile sweetly at him. You squeeze his hand. " Just come to my house and pick me up after your practice I'll be ready then", you suggest. Asahi furrows his eye brows : thinking.

" That would work!" Asahi exclaims. You and Asahi climb the stairs to your next class. It was the last one thank god.

You and Asahi walk in the door the second the bell rings. You both rush to your seats before the teacher enters.


You walk into your house. Your mom sitting on the couch, watch her cooking shows. You pass the living room. " Hey mom I'm going to Asahi's tonight", you tell your mom. " Okay! Have fun." She says not turning her head to look at you.

You run up the stairs to your room. You open your door and then close it. You set your stuff down. You then go to sit on your bed, opening your phone.

Angel❤️: hey babe when is your practice over?

Boo bear💘: Like 5:00

Angel❤️: ok thanks baby have a good time :)

Boo bear💘: I will, I love you

Angel❤️: i love you too.

You put your phone on your nightstand. You Stand up off your bed, and go to your closet and grab a back pack. You throw it on your bed, turning back into your closet. You grab shorts, jeans, t shirt, underwear. You throw them all on your bed. You walk back to your bed.

You put the shorts on and grab one of Asahi's hoodies you stole. And put the rest in your bag, then you get your phone charger, and your toothbrush and toothpaste. Once everything is in your bag, you wait.


Your phone buzzes in your hand. You see it's Asahi.

Boo bear 💘: Hey I'm on my way, I'll be there in about 10 minutes.

Angel❤️: ok i'm ready when you get here just text me when you get here pls

Boo bear 💘: Of course baby. See you soon.

Angel❤️: cya babe

You start to get everything together. You zip up your bag and walk out of your room

You go into the living room where your mom is no longer sitting. Instead she has moved to the kitchen. You can smell the smell of wonderful food. She was probably getting foot ready for your dad. He gets home pretty late most nights.

Your phone buzzes again.

Boo bear💘: I'm here on your front steps.

Angel❤️: on my way

You turn your phone off after sending the text. " Hey mom I'm gone, tell dad I said hi" you tell your mom. " Okay I will" She answers. You open the front door and as Asahi said he was indeed on your front steps.

" You ready?" He asks. " Yup!" You answer. You take he hand in your and you guys start to walk to his house. It wasn't that far away so it would take long.

You guys finally arrive at his house, the sun almost setting. The sky showing colors of oranges and pink. Asahi walks up to his front door. He opens it, putting his hands out in front of him motioning you to go first.

You walk in the door, Asahi following behind you and closing the door. " Hey mom", Asahi says, entering the house. " Hi dear." His mom answers, cooking at the stove. " Hi Mrs. Azumane" you greet his mom. His mom turns around at the sound of your voice. " My lord! Come here darling." Her mom calls, open her arms wide. You rush over to her, and hug her. " Hi Mrs!" You say.

" How are you?" She asks you. You smile. " I'm doing great." You answer. You break the hug. " Well dinner will be done in about an hour." His mom tells the both of us. " Okay mom thanks" Asahi thanks her. " Yes thank you" You thank her as well. You look at Asahi. " Well mom we're going to go upstairs.

" Yeah okay" She says turning back to the stove. You both go down the hall to his room. You open the door and he follows you in. You put your stuff next to the door. You got to lay on the bed.

Asahi follows you to the bed. You sit up letting Asahi get into bed with you. He sits next to you.

He hugs around you waist, pulling you down onto the comfortable bed. He buried his head into your chest, taking in your smell. You put your hand in his hair. Putting your other hand around his neck.

" I love you a lot honey" Asahi says randomly, looking up from your chest. " Aww. I love you even more baby." You respond to him kissing his head. " Good, can we keep it that way?" Asahi asks kissing your chin. " Absolutely" you say smiling. You start moving your hand through his hair.

" Hey guys dinner is ready!" Asahi's mom yells. You sigh not wanting to get up from here. Asahi rubs your back.

" Let's go baby." he says, removing his hands from around your waist. He sits up and gets up from the bed. You bury your head into his pillows.

He stands at the door waiting for you. "Come on babe" He says, slightly chuckling. " okay, okay" you say, getting up from the bed again. Asahi starts walking to the dining room, you follow him.

You love him so much. And his family is so comforting. And you can't wait until movie night. And maybe this should happen a lot more.

A: hope you enjoyed :)

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