~ Satori Tendou- the dreams that happened~

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A: AGAIN I LOVE HIM SOOOO HERE WE GO. This is another time skip so it's happening after high school :). Pease enjoy

You and Tendou had been gone for about 2 years. You had run away from your home in Japan.

Tendou's chocolate store was taking off. And you had just started taking classes at a really good art school in Paris.

Right now, you were sitting in the most boring anatomy class you have ever sat through.

You sigh putting your head on your sketch book.

Why you had it out, you didn't know.

The page was empty other than a small face in the right corner.

The professor was ranting about the next project about anatomy.

" We will not be doing this project in class. And it must be colored and take up a whole 20 by 40 canvas" the professor rants.

You were just glad it could be any part of the body. And that it didn't have to be the whole body.

Soon the bell rings signaling the end of the day.

You close your sketch book and grab your bag and phone.

You rush to the door, being the first one out.

You walk the halls of the stone school. The sunset hitting the stain glass and bring a elegant atmosphere to the school halls.

You exit the school and enter the afternoon street of Paris.

You know that Tendou's store isn't far from the school, so you make your way to the store.

You walk down the streets of Paris; you walk past the stores and cafes. You take in the smells of the restaurants.

Soon you arrive to big cursive letters that read 'petit chocolat de Paris'. Which means small Paris chocolate.

You open the door entering the store, the doorbell ringed letting the entire store know you have entered.

You go to a booth in a small corner you always sit. It's your official unofficial seat in the store. You get out your sketch book from your tote bag.

" Hey paradise!" Tendou calls, running your way. You smile. " Hi baby" You answer. Tendou kisses your head and then sits in front of you in the booth.

" Don't you need to be working?" you retort to Tendou. He shakes his head. " Nope, I was bored anyway." Tendou says.

" So how was school?" Tendou asks. You smile. " I have yet another project for my anatomy class, and I can't wait" you say sarcastically.

" Oh, what do you have to do?" He asks, putting his chin in his hand. " Well i have to draw any body part I want, with color and everything. I'm just glad it's not the whole body like last time. Now that was a pain in the ass." you tell your boyfriend, starting to sketch in your sketchbook.

" Well. I could be your reference." Tendou says out of nowhere. You look up from your sketchbook, shock written on your face.

" Umm...Like any part?" You ask him. Tendou raises an eyebrow. " Yeah, sure I'm good with anything" Tendou answers. You nod.

" I'm really bad at arms so could I draw from like your shoulder to your hand?" You ask him. He nods.

Tendou puts his elbow on the table, his hand limp. You start to sketch looking at his arm and hand. You draw the muscles curving into each other.

The muscles then flow into his forearm, then into his hand. As you draw his arms you admire every inch of it, drawing the perfection of his arm.

He doesn't think it's perfection, but you do. God, do you love his arms.

" Are you drawing or just staring, my paradise" Tendou teases. You look at your sketchbook. " Drawing obviously" you retort. Tendou nods with a smirk.

That was too close

You continue to draw until you have a rough sketch of his arm. You look at the page compared to the arm sitting in front of you. And it actually looks good.

You turn the face of the sketchbook to look at Tendou. " Bam" you say, looking for an expression from your boyfriend.

And soon you get one. " Oh my god babe! and your bad at drawing arms?" Tendou says with absolute amazement.

" Are you going to turn that in?" he asks. You shake your head. For a second there is a slight silence. " Can I keep it, I mean after your done with it" Tendou asks.

" Of course, you can. I will need to copy it onto a canvas when we get home so you can have it after I do that if that's ok" You explain to him. He nods " Yea totally take your time." He speaks.

" Mr. Tendou we need you back in the kitchen." a small boy yells from behind the counter. Tendou sighs. " Well duty calls, see you at home in about an hour babe" Tendou says, getting up from the booth. " Yeah, see you when you get home" you say, standing up.

You give Tendou a kiss on the cheek and a hug before walking away and leaving the store.

You walk back down the street on your way down a couple block until you get to you and Tendou shared apartment.

You open the door into the main lobby. you wave to the lady at the desk and walk to the elevator.

You pick your floor and wait until the elevator stops.

Soon it stops and you get off walking a short way to your apartment. You unlock the door and go in.

You kick off your shoes once you inside and lay your bag down, only getting your phone and sketchbook out of the bag.

You sit on the couch and flip back to the page with your boyfriend's arm. You sit and stare at the arm.

He doesn't even know how much of a work of art he is

A: Hope you guys enjoyed. And an announcement. I may not be writing for about a week. I have a lot of mid-terms this next week that I need to be ready for, so I won't have much time to write.

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