~ Akaashi Keji - self care day ~

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A: it's be a real long time but I felt like writing again so here I am.

Not only did you feel like crap when you woke up this morning, but you also had a stressful day of work ahead of you. You knew you had a jam packed day today.

But in all honesty you had no motivation to even open your eyes. Even that seemed like a little to much for you to manage right now.

You heard the light footsteps of Akaashi making there way to the shared bedroom of your apartment. You turned to face away from the door, trying to fake your still sleeping figure. The door opened and Akaashi looked through the doorway and into the room.

" Y/N? Are you awake sweetheart?" Akaashi's voice asked echoing throw the bedroom. He was met with silence. You felt kind of bad for ignoring him and faking your sleep.

As he went to leave the room you sat up making his head turn back into the room.
" I'm not feeling my best today, babe" you admit to Akaashi.

Akaashi shoots you a small smile while walking over to your side of the bed. Once at your location in your bedroom he sat on the bed and pushed the hair out of your face. "Is it physically or emotionally?" Akaashi asks trying to assess how he should handle the situation.

" Emotionally" you answer hi ding your face in the pillow. Akaashi crawls over you and places his body behind you, wrapping his arms around your blanket covered torso.

" You have to work today right?" Akaashi asks.
You silently nod.

He nods back and tried to think about how he should go about trying to make you feel better. Then he got an idea.

" Why don't I help you get ready for work. And give you a bunch of kisses. And once you get home we can do I whole night of self care like you have been wanting to do with me for a while?" Akaashi suggests. "And if you want I'll come pick you from work early. " Akaashi continues.

You don't give him an answer right away. You think about if you can even get out of bed. But the more you think about spending the end of the day with Akaashi the more motivation you get to go to work and get through the worst part of the day.

Finally you answer Akaashi with a quiet hum yes. And soon the gets you out of bed and helps you get ready for work. And even cooks you breakfast. And once your out of the door for work he kisses you and tell you you'll do great and your off.

Time skip

And soon you found that it was 2:30 and time to go home. You got up from your desks and ran to clock out and go home. On your way home you were so excited to see Akaashi.

You pull into the parking lot and ran into the apartment. You were me with Akaashi. You went to go hug him.

" Thank you so much for helping get up" you thank him. He gave you a small smile. " No problem now lets get this show on the road" he says dragging you to the bathroom.

First was a long shower together. You washed each other's hair and you shaved your legs.

After the shower was the funnest part. Putting face mask on eachother and listening to your shared playlist dancing around and singing out loud in the bathroom. Once the face masks were dry you pulled them off.

Step three was doing a really extra face washing routine. You kept splashing water on Akaashi as he tried to wash he soap off and he did the same to you for revenge.

And finally, step four, cuddling in the bed and watching your favortie show as the two of you cuddled and laughed at the jokes.

You were so happy you had Akaashi to help on the bad days you had. He was always there to find anyway to make you happy and smile.

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