Chapter 7

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Kristin learns a bit more about Phil and shares a cute memory with Wilbur

TWs: Swearing, mentions of death

"Tommy, can't you eat with your mouth closed?" Wilbur complained, shooting him a glare.

"No bitch," Tommy shot back, shoving more of his cookie into his mouth, crumbs falling all over his lap. Clementine sat next to him, scarfing up the discarded cookie crumbs.

"C'mon Toms, you're getting crumbs all over the couch now!" Phil scolded, pointing at the trail of crumbs cascading down his shirt and onto the couch.

"Clem's got 'em" Tommy replied, shooting his dad a sly smile as the dog lapped up the cookie crumbs. Phil returned the smile with an unamused looking, causing his son to recoil into himself. "Sorry dad," he muttered.

"Let's get back to the story," Phil stated, smiling up at his youngest triumphantly.


"Are you guys sure?" Kristin asked her parents again, slipping on her shoes.

"For the thousandth time, yes. Wilbur will be fine dear, don't worry so much. Go have fun," her mother answered, practically pushing her out the door. Kristin laughed in return, giving her mother a hug. She hugged her father as well before turning to Wilbur, who stood between her parents.

Kristin knelt down to Wilbur's height, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Wil, you'll be good for my parents, won't you?" she asked sweetly, earning a vigorous nod from the boy.

Smiling at Wilbur's response, she waved goodbye to her family. "Kristin!" her friends yelled from the car, waving wildly out the windows. Kristin waved back as she hurried to the car, excited to have a nice wedding rehearsal dinner with her friends.

About halfway through the dinner, Kristin felt her phone buzz. Worried it was a text from her parents, she quickly reached for her phone, sighing in relief when she saw a text from Phil flash onto her screen.

Phil: Hey, I just wanted to apologize for Wilbur again. That chaotic little shit is going to be the death of me someday

Kristin giggled to herself, still in disbelief over the whole situation. The bride-to-be gave her a confused look, Kristin shrugging her off.

Kristin: It's ok, really. I still can't quite believe it happened

Phil: Honestly neither can I. I thought he was over that

Kristin: How long has he been doing that?

Phil: For a couple of years now. It's been a hard habit to break actually, since I'm stretched pretty thin between my job and being a single father

Kristin faltered at this, her fingers stilling on the keyboard. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught her friend's gaze, deciding to ignore it.

Kristin: Trust me, I get it. It's just me and Techno as well

Kristin waited for a response with bated breath, but it never came. Sighing, she laid her phone back down onto her lap, trying to take her mind off her conversation with Phil. She tried not to let her mind wander to Phil's confession, but the conversation between her friends wasn't enough to keep her engaged. She wondered what happened between him and his wife and why she ended up leaving them. Was it something Phil did? She wondered what he could have done or what his wife did to end the marriage. She picked at her meal half-mindedly, acknowledging the conversation floating around her from time to time. Throughout the rest of the night, she dodged curious glances from her friend as she tried to stay occupied with the conversation.

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