Chapter 5

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Wilbur + sand, what could go wrong?

TWs: Swearing

"Geez Wil, how many blankets do you need?" Phil asked his oldest as he strolled into the room, a pile of blankets blocking his vision.

"Just thought you might be getting a bit cold old man. Your body isn't as good as it used to be," Wilbur quipped back as he tossed a blanket at his father, who glared up at him, muttering something under his breath as he pulled the blanket around him. Tommy giggled at the teasing, trying to stifle his laugher in his hands. Wilbur turned and threw a blanket at Tommy's face in an effort to shut him up.

"Oi, dickhead, what was that for?" Tommy snapped, pulling the blanket off his face and letting it rest on top of Clementine, who cuddled into it.

"Thought you might be a bit chilly too, child," Wilbur teased.

"I'm not a fucking child Wil! I'm a big man!" Tommy shouted at him, his face growing red.

"Last I checked, being under the age of 18 makes you a child Tommy," Wilbur countered as he tossed a blanket to Technoblade, who nodded in agreement.

"Fuck you Wilbur, I am a big man. I'll.."

"Boys," Kristin interrupted firmly as she tugged a blanket out of Wilbur's hands. "Can't you all be nice to each other for five minutes?" They both mumbled various versions of "sorry" and "yes mum" to their mother, who smiled back at them in victory before resuming the story.


"Great catch, Wil!" Kristin yelled across the yard at the boy. Wilbur was hung halfway over the fence, holding a ball in his glove. Wilbur grinned at Kristin's compliment, pulling himself off the fence and running back over to her.

Kristin smiled back at him as he threw the ball towards her, which she swiftly caught. As they threw the ball back and forth, Kristin basked in the moment. She could never get Techno to do things like this with her. While she loves her son, she's always longed for afternoons like this, where they played for hours in the backyard, just content spending time together. How lucky she was to get a taste of this wish with Wilbur.

"Miss Kristin, I'm not as tall as you seem to think I am," Wilbur taunted as he chased after a ball Kristin had thrown over his head. Kristin was pulled back into the moment, realizing she had zoned out a bit.

Kristin apologized as she rubbed her shoulder, which had begun to nag at her a few minutes earlier. Wilbur noticed this as he raised his arm to throw the ball back. He gently lowered his arm, walking over to her curiously. "Are you ok?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

"Oh, I'm fine Wil, don't worry about me. It's just my old softball arm coming back to haunt me," Kristin replied as she slipped her glove off her hand.

"Softball?" Wilbur questioned her, removing his glove as well and slipping it under his arm.

"Yeah, I used to play it all the time when I was a kid. We used to travel all over for tournaments and stuff," Kristin told him, causing his eyes to grow wide.

"You went to tournaments? Did you win? Do you have a bunch of trophies? Can I see them?" Wilbur rambled excitedly.

Kristin laughed at his excitement as she shook her head. "I won a couple of tournaments here and there, but those trophies are buried somewhere in the back of the attic," she responded.

"Woah, so you were really good then?" Wilbur asked, continuing his barrage of questions.

"I wouldn't go that far," Kristin replied with a laugh.

How I Met Your MumzaWhere stories live. Discover now