Chapter 9

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Kristin and her family head off to the wedding. Her friend helps her come to terms with some unresolved feelings.

TWs: Swearing

"Boys!" Kristin shouted. "Can't you just get along for five minutes without trying to kill each other!"

"Sorry mom," the two muttered, still glaring at one another.

"Better be careful boys, don't wanna be on her bad side, trust me," Phil joked, earning a scowl and a light smack on the arm from his wife. His sons giggled at this as they sat down, curling back up into their blankets.

"Alright, let's get back on track," Kristin huffed before continuing her tale.


"Alright Wil, come on out and show everybody!" Kristin beckoned, motioning for the boy to make his way into the middle of the living room. The boy in question galloped into the room, stopping in the middle and striking a pose.

"My goodness, you look so handsome, Wilbur! Techno's suit fits him perfectly," Kristin's mother gushed. Her father nodded along, smiling at Wilbur. Wilbur laughed happily, twirling around to show them all of his outfit.

"You two look great as well," Kristin complimented her parents, who were both dressed for the occasion in a gray suit and lavender dress.

"Well thank you honey!" her mother replied. "I can't wait to see you once they get you all dolled up!"

"Speaking of which, I really should be going," Kristin said, glancing down at her watch. She thanked her parents once more for looking after Wilbur while she went to get ready before giving everyone hugs and heading out the door.

"So, tell me about him," Kristin's friend said as the two got their hair done.

"What?" Kristin asked in shock, completely baffled by the non sequitur. The two were sat in the back rooms of the wedding venue, getting ready for the ceremony. Hairstylists were tugging at their hair, braiding it in different places and shoving bobby pins everywhere. The room smelled of hair products and hot curling irons, and was filled with light chatter between the bridesmaids and bride.

"That guy you were texting last night at rehearsal. Tell me about him" her friend replied.

"What are you talking about?" Kristin asked, feeling her face begin to heat up.

"Don't bullshit me, Kris. I could tell you were texting some guy last night; no one smiles at their phone that much for just anyone. So, who is he?" her friend pried.

Kristin blushed furiously before she sighed, shaking her head as she smiled up at her friend. "So you know how I got Techno switched up at the airport with Wilbur?"

"How could I forget it?" her friend teased. Kristin gave her a look of mock hurt before slapping her lightly on the arm.

"I've been talking to his dad, Phil, since the mix-up. He's super nice," Kristin told her.

"Nice, that's it? C'mon on, tell me more," her friend squealed as she wiggled excitedly in her chair, causing Kristin to giggle at her childlike antics.

"Yeah, he's been super nice about this whole mistake with Techno and Wil. He has been amazing with Techno; he's actually getting him to come out of his shell and talk to people! He told me they were playing video games all day together the other day. He even taught Techno some of his old karate moves, which I'm sure he loved" Kristin said.

"It's kinda crazy, I feel like we've had the wrong kids all along. Phil and Techno and me and Wil have so much in common with each other, it's crazy," Kristin joked, looking over at her friend, who stared back at her with a knowing smile on her face.

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