Chapter 10

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TWs: Swearing, brief mention of death

"Awww, look at wittle Tommy in his jammies!" Wilbur taunted, pointing at his brother as he rounds the corner of the room. Tommy was dressed in green pajama bottoms covered in Minecraft flowers and an old sweater that once belonged to Wilbur before the younger got his hands on it.

"You're a dick Wilbur," the younger replied, glaring at him as he plops himself down onto the couch. Clementine quickly padded over to him, laying her head down on his lap with a sigh. Tommy stroked her head, running his fingers through her ears as she sighed into his touch.

"You don't really think that, or you'd have a different top on," Wilbur pointed out. Tommy held up his middle finger in reply, curling further into the couch.

"Well, I think I'm up!" Phil announced, breaking up the teasing by telling his side of the story once again.


The kitchen was covered in green streamers with white balloons tangled up between them. The lights were dimmed, the soft glow of the candles the only source of light in the room, illuminating the faces of the group. Phil's parents, brother, and sister had gathered around the table along with Phil and Technoblade. They sang happy birthday, wildly off key as usual. They all cheered as Phil's father blew out the candles, leaving one left lit. He continued to try to blow it out, watching in frustration as it continued to relight. Phil and his siblings laughed at their father, doubling over in hysterics.

"Little shits," Phil's father complained as he picked the trick candle off of the cake and placed it in a bowl of water. His children continued to laugh at him as if it was the funniest thing they had ever seen. Soon the trio caught their breath, and Phil moved to take the cake off the table to cut it. Together with his mother, they distributed the slices of cake to each member, being sure to save the largest piece for Phil's father as an apology. Comfortable conversation started to float around the table as Phil's sister began to talk about her job as a marine biologist.

"I'm telling you guys, it was the biggest hagfish I've ever seen," Phil's sister told the group, gesturing with her hands. Technoblade looked up at her in interest, watching closely as she stretched her hands to capture the size of the fish.

"You know, hagfish are jawless fish," Technoblade mumbled after a moment, picking at the piece of cake Phil had sat down in front of him. Phil's sister turned to look at him, a look of shock spread across her face.

"Y-yeah, they are," she started, stuttering in astonishment. "How did you know that?"

"I watched a documentary one time about them," Technoblade replied nonchalantly as he bit into a forkful of his cake. "They are also a common delicacy in South Korea," he added, repeating it as though it was straight from the documentary.

Phil's sister just stared at the boy a little more, chuckling after a moment. "Wow, that's pretty impressive Techno," she told the kid, her eyes sparkling as she smiled at him. The conversation continued on, with Phil's sister telling more stories about her job and Technoblade joining in every now and then with a new fish fact. After a while, the room started to fall silent as everyone finished their desert, pushing their plates toward the middle of the table.

"That cake was delicious," Phil's brother commented, earning nods from the others at the table. Technoblade hummed softly at this.

"Not all that great to you Techno?" Phil's brother asked him, watching the boy pick at the hem of his t-shirt, which has a cartoon pig displayed on the front.

"It was fine, it's just," Technoblade paused for a second to think. "I think the icing could have been a bit better. She could have tried a buttercream over the whipped frosting. I think it would have made it better."

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