Chapter One

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Lily pounced onto a flying leaf, just missing it as the wind blew it away. She then laid back her ears and pounced onto another, catching it between her paws. She closed her eyes and purred happily. Then she pounced onto another and another. The day went by fast, and then dark came. Her eyes were as big as a full moon, and they adjusted to the darkness. Lily padded home, jumping over a large white fence and into a garden full of roses and daisies. Her whiskers brushed up against the thorns and bushes, but that didn't bother her as she pushed through. She then squeezed through a small flap that led into a no-fur den. She curled up on a small, fluffy and round nest, then closed her eyes to sleep. She then, began to dream.

"Lily!" Meowed a voice, "Over here!"

"Featherwhisker!" She purred.

Featherwhisker was a fairly large cat. He had a smooth, long, silver-gray pelt, with amber eyes and a very fluffy tail. Lily didn't have to think twice on why he was named Featherwhisker. She padded up to him and rubbed his cheek with hers. "What news do you bring today?" Meowed Lily.

"ThunderClan doesn't have much news today." He replied, licking his chest, "ShadowClan on the other paw, is getting up to some mischief as usual."

Lily alerted her ears forward and twitched one of them. "Wow, that's shocking!"

Featherwhisker could feel her sarcasm and softly purred in amusement, "Yes, very much so."

Lily crouched down onto her belly into a loaf position and wrapped her tail over her front paws. "So what has ShadowClan been getting into this time?"

Featherwhisker imitated her loaf position. "Brokenstar is planning something. I'm not sure what, but it'll be bad." He paused. "The RiverClan leader seems to be planning something as well. I have a slight feeling they're working together."

Lily could feel that Featherwhisker was worried, but before she could say anything else, she woke up from her dream.

She jolted awake from the sound of food being poured into her bowl. She wanted to continue dreaming to try and help Featherwhisker figure out what Crookedstar and Brokenstar was planning, but instead of lingering on the dream, she decided to go back outside. She ignored her pet's gesture to eat the food and hopped up onto the white fence. Then she jumped on a fairly large post, wrapping her tail around her front paws. She looked out into the distance, where the forest was thick. She could barely see past the first few row of trees.

Lily scoffed at the sound at leaving her home. She couldn't imagine going off to the wild when she got pampered here in a nice cozy den. Lily shook the idea out of her head and then stretched out her front paws. She almost lost her balance, but caught herself by straightening out her tail. Lily sat for a few more moments and then decided to go out hunting, despite being food already in her dish. It's been a while since she did.

The forest was thick, and she felt no breeze in the air. Her whiskers were as still as can be. Not even a sound or stir was heard. She ventured around a rather large lake and sniffed the air. She stood still. Then after a few more long moments of being still and tasting the air, she was able to get a scent of squirrel. She twitched her ears, and listened for the chirping sound they usually make, but nothing. She could, however, hear rustling. So she crouched down and crept through the long grass, slowly.

She heard a loud rustling noise, and out jumped a gray tom. He was fairly small, but looked bigger with his long hair. Lily pulled back her ears in anger. "You stupid furball!" She hissed. "That was mine!"

The gray tom stopped to look at Lily. He was amazed to see such a pretty kittypet so close to the forest. "I-uh... um." he stumbled. He shook his head to clear it. "This is ThunderClan territory!" He said more confidently.

Lily rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Yeah, but you're near my territory. So that was my squirrel. Next time, find your own." And then she padded away from him, but looked back, wondering if he was going to go back to the forest where he belonged. But to her surprise, when she looked back, he was just behind her, his head tilted to the side.

"You're a kittypet." He meowed softly.

"Yeah, and you're a warrior." She replied, rather harshly.

The small gray tom was stunned by her rudeness. Normally kittypets were soft and gentle, but she was grouchy and seemed rather daring. "I'm actually an apprentice." He meowed, "I'll be a warrior once I master everything." He paused for a few short moments. "I'm Graypaw."

Lily stared blankly at Graypaw. She didn't want to continue talking, but she guessed that he wouldn't leave if she didn't at least answer him. "My name's Lily." She meowed back. Her voice was softer. It sounded more what Graypaw would expect from a kittypet. "I should probably get going." She added, as she started to pad away.

"Nice meeting you, Lily!" He shouted after her, then he padded the other way heading towards the forest.

Lily couldn't shake off the thought of meeting a Clan cat. Featherwhisker had spoken about ThunderClan. She knew their leader, Bluestar and the prophecy that her and Spottedleaf had seen. Featherwhisker told her about the other Clans a lot and the leaders.

She knew that later that night she wanted to see Featherwhisker again and talk to him about her experience meeting an apprentice from ThunderClan.


Later that night, Lily curled up inside her comfy nest in her pet's  den. Her eyes closed fairly quickly, but she didn't dream until quite a while later.

"Featherwhisker!" She shouted, but there was no answer. "Featherwhisker!" She shouted again. After another few short breaths, Featherwhisker appeared behind her.

"Lily, I didn't expect to see you so soon."

"Ah, well, I wanted to tell you that I met a ThunderClan warrior...I mean apprentice."

"Oh." Featherwhisker said slightly tilting his head. "Who?"

Lily shuffled her paws, trying to remember the name of the apprentice. "Graypaw."

"Graypaw is full of energy. I don't know how they're keeping him in line."

Lily purred with amusement then sat down, twitching her tail impatiently. "Tell me more about ThunderClan." She meowed.

Featherwhisker shot her a glance of confusion. "You should join them instead."

Lily winced at the comment he gave her. "What?" She meowed. But Featherwhisker disappeared and Lily opened her eyes from her slumber. "Join ThunderClan and leave my comfortable life as a kittypet? No thanks!" She hissed.

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